INFORMATION X INFO425: Systems Design Systems Design Project Deliverable 1
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Deliverable 1 Context You have defined your problem and built a set of activity diagrams that outline what the new/modified information system needs to do. You have defined key functional and non-functional requirements You have modeled the requirements from an event and object perspective. Now it is time to define the technical solution that you recommend in order to meet requirements
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Objectives Your team’s objectives are to: Expand your event table to a minimum of 10 events Prioritize your events and justify the priority Define the levels of automation for each event Define alternatives for implementation Create evaluation criteria and weights and score each alternative Make an implementation recommendation and justify. Define and justify your deployment environment
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Deliverable A Word document 11 point Arial font Double spaced – 1.25 inch margin top and bottom. 1 inch left and right. Good document format
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Document Contents Introduction (couple of paragraphs) What’s in this document Background (1/2 page – 1 page) No more than a page – tell reader what has happened to get to this point in the project Remember to Introduce each section of your document – tell the reader what to expect!!
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Document Contents Event Table. Expand to 10 events Define priority for each event as High, Medium or Low. >At the end of the event table, justify your ranking in a few paragraphs – why are some events ranked higher (or lower) than others? Define low medium and high levels of automation for each event. Provide as much detail as possible
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Information about Each Event in an Event Table Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 5th Edition7
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Document Contents Implementation Alternatives Create a list of possible implementation alternatives. For each alternative, provide a brief overview (but not an evaluation) Create a set of criteria for evaluation. They should fall into 3 categories: >Functional >Technical >General (Vendor/Other) Weight your criteria >Total weight for ALL criteria MUST add up to 100 points Score each implementation option >Raw (e.g., 1-5) >Adjusted (Raw * Weight)
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Document Contents
INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION X Document Contents Recommendations Present and justify (explain) your recommendation Deployment environment Define your recommended deployment environment >Network >Hardware >System Software (OS) >Database >Development tools Go back to technical requirements (deliverable 2 from 415) for inputs to this process Justify your selections