Activity Flow Design Gabriel Spitz 1 Lecture # 12 Guiding the flow of activities
Activity Flow - Recap Is concerned with the dynamic aspect of the interface The focus in designing the Activity Flow is on helping user navigate through the interface effectively and efficiently Gabriel Spitz 2
Consideration in Activity Flow Design The design of Activity flow for a unit of work needs to consider: The set of steps that must be executed to accomplish a unit of work The temporal order in which interaction steps should or must be executed The way by which the interface enforces and communicate to users the desired order of the interaction The way by which the interface supports the user during the interaction Gabriel Spitz 3
Activity Flow – Communicating & Enforcing The interface can communicate & enforce the desired sequence of the interaction by: Using wizards Using Modal dialogs Using Modes Gabriel Spitz 4
Enforcing Action Sequence – Using Modality One way of communicating & enforcing a desired sequence of action is by force Modal dialog boxes force the user to respond before another action can occur Gabriel Spitz 5
Enforcing a Sequence of action – Using Wizard Gabriel Spitz 6 Wizard, is another form of modal interaction, it is often used to enforce a specific sequence of action
Enforcing an action - Using Mode Modes like modality forces the user down a specific path Mode is state of the system in which the same users ’ action in the application is interpreted differently depending on the mode Modality forces user action Mode determines the outcome of an action Gabriel Spitz 7
Mode - Example Gabriel Spitz 8 Same input action Arrow tool Basic shape tool
Modes -Examples Tool Mode The output of users ’ action is determined by the selected tool Gabriel Spitz 9
Modes Gabriel Spitz 10 Modes of MS Word Note; these modes apply only within word document
Attitude Toward Modes Modes are fundamentally evil and should be avoided Modes provide support and guidance and should be included in UI design A major problem is in the scope of the mode Within or between conceptual spaces Gabriel Spitz 11
Value of Modes Users can inform the application of their intentions In turn the application can guide the user For example By limiting the scope of what users ’ action can do – e.g., using a text box tool, vs., using a rectangle tool Gabriel Spitz 12
Maximizing Value of Modes Use modes consistently Do not initiate modes unexpectedly Make it clear / visible to the user that s/he is entering a specific mode E.g. Insert vs. Overwrite modes in Word Always enable users to escape from modes harmlessly Gabriel Spitz 13
Restricting Sequence of Access An additional way of communicating & enforcing a desired sequence of action is to restrict access to “ non-valid ” commands or objects This can be done by disabling or locking out the “ non-valid ” commands Gabriel Spitz 14
Disabling Commands - Example Gabriel Spitz 15 By disabling “ inappropriate ” commands the application: -informs the user - constrains the next user action - ensures only valid action
Invisible Restricted Access Gabriel Spitz 16 A less usable way of restricting access to a specific command The Send button is enabled, but cannot be sent
Aiding Users in Sequencing Tasks The third mechanism used to communicate to users the sequence of steps to be taken is the Activity List A Activity list is a suggested set of steps that needs to be completed in order to execute a unit of work Gabriel Spitz 17
An Activity List - Example Gabriel Spitz 18 A training application Each time a task is completed a check mark is placed next to the completed task
Activity List - Example Gabriel Spitz 19
Activity List Activity List is a highly usable approach of leading users through a set of tasks The required flow is explicit and visible The flow can be made modeless or modal The interface supports users memory The interface supports partial work Gabriel Spitz 20
Guidance The fourth and least imposing mechanism for guiding users through a sequence of steps Common examples of guidance mechanisms include: Tutorials Help Gabriel Spitz 21
Guidance - Example Gabriel Spitz 22
Summary - Supporting Activity Flow Limiting the user to one sequence of tasks Modal dialogs, Modes, Wizards Presenting users with only valid commands Disabling invalid commands and objects Presenting users with the list of tasks to be completed Providing users with optional guidance Gabriel Spitz 23