Understanding the Science MSP Mark Watrin Science Coordinator ESD112 Questioning and Investigating Investigate an answerable question through valid experimental techniques. Conclusions are based on evidence and are repeatable 8 th Grade
Preconceptions :Three – Two - One Three Inquiry Standards that will be answered as a two point questions Two Inquiry standards that will be only Multiple Choice One inquiry standard that will not be tested
Inquiry? Ask Questions Plan Investigations Collect Data Repeat for reliability Understand Models Emphasize Evidence Communicate results Be honest 2 point possibilities Plan an investigation Understand models Evidence for Conclusion Evidence for Explanations Standards MSP
How Did They Do? Mean Score 2.1 out of 4 52%
2011 Inquiry Short Answer Format Controlled Experiment 42% of 2 points Conclusion 58% Evidence 62% Multiple Choice Format Identify the Variable 77% Completion Format Identify the Variable 60%
Time for Questions If you don’t get a word in edgewise. Type your question into the question box.
4 Parts Design a controlled experiment Design a Field Investigation Write a Conclusion Understanding Models
Plan an Investigation Test and Item Specifications Controlled Experiment Field Experiment
8 th Grade “Update” document 2010 “Changes Docuents” 8 th Scoring Attributes
8 th Grade Design an Investigation Interpret a Scenario Interpret a data table 1 controlled variable
Inquiry Guide Attribute Points Logical Steps 1 Controlled Variable Manipulated Variable Responding Variable Record Data Multiple Trials
Field Investigation Attributes = 6 Logical Steps Method of data collection 2 Conditions compared Data to be Collected Record Measurements Observations are repeated
From OSPI - Templates
Pause Part 2
In Conclusion (1)Conclusive statement (2)Supporting data: reported data are the lowest and highest conditions (1)Explanatory language, connect or compare the supporting data to the conclusive statement
2012 Update Documents 3 or 4 = 2 Conclusive Statement High Data Low Data Explanatory Language
How well do students write conclusions? Mudflow Write a Conclusion Getting Better
Pause Part 3
“ But wait, there’s more!” Cognitive Difficulty Models
Model Guide How does the model describe a scientific event? How is the model accurate? How is the model inaccurate?
Example What real object is this a model showing? What is accurate about the model What is inaccurate about the model?
Pause Part 4