Ch 10: Aggression Pt 1: Apr 1, 2013
Aggression Physical or verbal behavior intended to harm Distinguish between: – Hostile aggression – Instrumental aggression What makes us angry? – Automatic vs. Controlled processing -
Theories of Aggression 1.Biology 2.Frustration 3.Social Learning 4.Situational
Aggression Theories: Biology Biological foundations of aggression – is it human nature? Freud and others – needed to redirect our energy How does this theory hold up?
Testosterone (male sex hormone) also has influence Boys/girls express aggression differently – Feelings of anger – – Gender differences in direct / indirect aggression? – Gender differences in interpretations of aggression?
Aggression Theories: Frustration Oldest theory – frustration (having a goal blocked) leads to some form of aggression. Aggression gets displaced to other sources – Role of catharsis here - Any support for this theory?
Social Learning Theory Is it a learned social behavior? Bandura Learn aggression through observing others. Bobo doll experiment example… – What was the method? – What were the results?
TV & Violence George Gerbner’s 30 year study of violence in movies/TV. Stats on daily TV use & violent acts - Effect on behavior & beliefs? – Bushman & Eron’s longitudinal research – – …but are there other explanations?