RMS Titanic, 100 Years Later. April 15, 1912 Edward J. Smith
The Route Taken By The Titanic
2224 Passengers and Crew
1514 Died 710 Survived
The Sunken Ship 12,415 Feet Deep In The Ocean
Lessons From The Titanic Human Pride and Arrogance Gen 11:4, Pr.16:18, Jm.4:6 Human Mortality Heb.9:27, 1 Cor.15:22, Lk.12:20 Saved By Grace Through Faith Heb.11:7, Gen.6:8 The Best and Worst of Humans Jm.1:3, 1 Cor.3:13 Rust Will Corrupt Matt.6:19-21, Jm.5:1-3
God’s Plan of Salvation 1. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Mk.4:14 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.1:16 3. Repent and Turn to God, Luke 13:3 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 5. Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3: Grow And Be Faithful, Matt.10:22 If Err From The Faith : Repent and Pray God, Acts 8:22