Internet Service Currently Provides numerous services including: Data service to access information from around the world Entertainment (iTunes, Hulu, Youtube, downloads) Communication ( , instant message, facebook, Skype, etc) Security (remote camera monitoring, etc) Typically enters the home through wired cable or fiber optic from a telecom network. Provides high bandwidth 1Mbps upto 100 Mbps in some areas as a premium service. Bandwidth can be expected to increase over time to allow for HD streaming and other high-flow uses.
Communications Landline Telephone Service Wireless Telephone (3g, 4g) Fax Served by a network which enters the home through phone line or wireless signal Wireless services are quickly outpacing traditional wired services and may eventually provide enough bandwidth and speed to be used almost exclusively
Security Monitors and reports status to a central location by using sensors to detect doors and windows, motion sensors, and cameras to remotely monitor. Sensor types include: biometrics, heat sensors, motion sensors, and others Access in some high end systems may function off fingerprint, retina or other biometric sensors. May in the future be tied to ID chips/ biometric sensors
Faster Multimedia Easier access Electrical Telecommunication
Bluetooth uses a radio technology called frequency-hopping spread spectrum, which chops up the data being sent and transmits chunks of it on up to 79 bands (1 MHz each) in the range MHz. This range is in the globally unlicensed Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz short-range radio frequency band. Faster
Microsoft's Vision of the Future 2009 Easier access
peer hole window TV computer phone
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