Let’s Talk Sex!! Straight or Alternative…. By Kim Silverthorn Project PEACE Mental Health Capacity Building In Schools Initiative
Everyone’s First Choice…. Abstinence Why? Benefits… Ways to Say No….
If You Say Yes… How Much do You REALLY know about what you are getting into???
How to protect your package… Dual Protection
What is Gender Identity? Gender identity is defined as one’s personal internal sense or feeling of being male or female, masculine/feminine.
What is transgender/trans- identified? A person whose gender identity, outward appearance, and/or gender expression does not fit into conventional expectations of male or female.
Alternative Lifestyles What is LGBTTQ? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transidentified, Two-Spirited, Queer
Egale National Climate Survey on Homophobia in Canadian Schools 3700 students from across Canada (average age 17.4 yrs) 73% identified as heterosexual 26% as LGB or questioning 3% as trans-identified Verbal Harassment 70.4% heard comments like “that’s so gay” everyday Almost 10% heard these comments come from teachers
But It Doesn’t End There… Physical Harassment More than 1 in 5 LGBTQ students reported physical harassment of assault 37.1% of trans youth reported physical harassment or assault 27.2% of students with LGBTQ parents experienced assault or harassment Sexual Harassment 40% of gay male students; 33% of lesbian students 45% of students with LGBTQ parents 49.4% of trans participants All reported having been sexually harassed in the past year
Personal discomfort Lack of knowledge Fear of parental/community reaction Lack of administrative support Private moral or religious objections Ignorance of policy and mandated ethical professional practice Why do educators and service providers often avoid talking about sexual and gender minority issues and concerns?
Homophobic Bullying Homophobic bullying is defined as bullying behaviours that are motivated by prejudice against a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
Celebrities Speak Out =K15X-RgBzzc =_B-hVWQnjjM
Prejudice is STILL Happening dailybrew/catholic-schools- ontario-ban-rainbows htmlhttp://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/ dailybrew/catholic-schools- ontario-ban-rainbows html
What Happens After the Abuse?? truancy or dropping out drug and alcohol abuse increased peer victimization withdrawal from social and school activities more experiences of dating violence higher rates of pregnancy involvement
significantly higher rates of bullying, physical assaults/violence, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse running away from home turning to prostitution and/or living on the streets depression, eating disorders, post- traumatic stress, self-harm increased suicide ideation or suicide attempts (Bagley & Tremblay, 1997; Grace & Wells, 2001, 2004, & 2005; McCreary Centre Society, 1999; Ryan & Futterman, 1998; Saewyc, 2011; Wells & Tsutsumi, 2005; Wells, 2006; Williams, Connolly, Pepler, & Craig, 2003 & 2005 )
What can YOU do?? Say the words Signal your support Know your community Respect confidentiality Be that “trusted” person
References (clips) Wells, School-based Mental Health Education Telelearning Series: From Risk to Resilience: Building the Mental Health Capacity of Sexual Minority and Gender Variant Youth Safe Spaces, I Think I Might Be Gay or Lesbian or Bisexual, GALE BC, Chittley, Jordan (June 9, 2011) Daily Brew