John Ermer AP World History Miami Beach Senior High School
The transfer of people, animals, plants and disease across the Atlantic Ocean Livestock to New World (sheep, cows, horses, pigs) Staple crops to Old World (potato, maize, cassava) Native populations drop precipitously w/ disease
Iberian kingdoms copy societies of home: Vertically hierarchical, Catholic, divided by estates, arranged into patriarchal extended-family networks Indigenous cultures survive, influence African culture is brought with slaves Spain creates Council of the Indies, 1524 Most power belonged to two viceroyalties Catholic Church evangelizes, educates, advocates Fr. Bartolome de Las Casas
Gold and Silver stimulate Spanish economy Encomienda of natives as miners Portuguese create sugar plantations African sugar model brings African slaves to Brazil Complexities of trade networks, and archaic trade laws further the emergence of a global economy
Creoles: European whites born in America As small number of whites, mix with indigenous majority, then Africans, new races/ethnicities emerge Mestizos: mixed white and native Mulattos: mixed white and black Castas
English & French colonization takes place later Europe wealthier, not religiously united Colonization by companies, not military Jamestown, tobacco, men brought to work Indentured servants House of Burgesses Slave labor Division of the Carolinas, North from VA, South from Caribbean (Barbados) New England settled by religious Puritan pilgrims Skills based economy, settled by families Mid-Atlantic colonies become commercial hub New Netherlands’s (NY) treaty with Iroquois Confederacy Penn’s open market, Philly surpasses Boston as largest city New France’s fur trade protected by loose network of forts
Bourbon kings reorganize Spanish gov’t Pop. of Spanish Empire booms Shift from mining economy to cattle Rebellions, increased militarization to face English England limits colonial trade and production Bad for business back home Expensive wars against France and Spain paid for by colonies, colonists do not like increased royal control