25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 CEOS Support to GCI Agenda Item 8 Ivan Petiteville, ESA
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 GCI Improvement for 2011 GEO Plenary Major enhancement of GCI decided at 15 th GEO ADC (INPE, Brazil, March 2011) –Demo at next GEO Plenary: Sprint to Plenary - StP Some specific features to be implemented: –Simplify registration of GEOSS resources –Information on data quality and data access conditions to the registered datasets (= collections of products) –Increase number of GEOSS resources discoverable (incl. datasets) –“Easy” access to discoverable EO datasets Potential contribution of CEOS Agencies
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Basic definitions … Product: elementary information e.g. MERIS image over Netherlands, 12 Sep Collection: group of objects e.g. Monet’s Musée d’Orsay Datasets: collection of satellite products e.g. MODIS images Catalog: detailed list of products from one or more collections e.g. LANDSAT catalog with 2.4 million products
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Areas for Potential CEOS Action To be “easily” discoverable through GCI: Collections of products (=datasets) shall be registered either in GEOSS Component & Services Registry (CSR) or in CEOS International Directory Network* (IDN) Space Agencies’ catalogues shall be “easily” query-able in parallel –Catalogs may include several collections; –for each collection, lists all individual products of each collection * = based on NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Where can I find nice books ? Agatha Christie collection Jules Verne collection Agatha Christie collection Conan Doyle collection e.g. IDN J. Verne & A,Christie Amazon.com C.Doyle & A,Christie Barnes & Noble.com GCI Images & logos © Google ; © , Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates © Barnesandnoble.com llc BEFORE StP
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Which Jules Verne’s books are available at Amazon ? J. Verne: From the Earth to the Moon The Master of the World Leagues under the Sea Around the World in 80 days Images & logos © , Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates products Agatha Christie collection Jules Verne collection catalog BEFORE StP (con’t)
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 CEOS Response: Datasets Discovery Integration of CEOS IDN with GCI as multiplied number of resources discoverable through the GEO Web Portal by a factor ~ 100 !!! –discover datasets CWIC (prototype catalog interface) provides an interface between the GCI and specific EO catalogs at NASA, USGS, NOAA and INPE –discover products within datasets. Parallel queries to all catalogs Note that EO catalogs from major European space agencies incl. ESA are being linked via HMA protocol (operational solution – open source S/W available to all) –discover products within datasets. Parallel queries to all catalogs Solutions such as HMA, CWIC can perfectly co-exist.
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 CEOS Response: Datasets Registration GEOSS CSR: number of CEOS datasets (= collections of products ) registered is about 40 IDN: about 7750 datasets (millions of products) out of registered in IDN are marked as “GEOSS Data Core” datasets !!!! –Mainly US Agencies datasets. –Not all datasets ”easily” accessible
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Areas for Potential CEOS Action (cont’) To be “easily” accessible through GCI: Datasets access conditions shall follow the GEO Data Sharing Principles as much as possible Preferably information on how to access those collections and the individual products they contain, shall be exploitable by machines to avoid /reduce lengthy manual user navigation
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 CEOS Response: Datasets Access Providing data policy allows it, the access to individual satellite products from the GEO Web Portal is, most of the time, a manual process –No one-stop-shop –Users have to access products through each individual product client (one or more per Agency) At GEO Plenary, demonstration of transparent and “easy” access to products (see demo next slide) –Using EC FP7 prototype tool: GENESI (lead by ESA)
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November collection = 1 dataset query All collections Access to product in 3 mouse clicks … All products in that collection Info on individual product individual product This demo requires additional information on datasets / products access which is currently neither in IDN nor in GEOSS CSR
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Conclusions Data Access: further coordinated efforts from CEOS Agencies are needed to offer a direct / transparent access to products through the GEO Web Portal incl. access to registered GEOSS Data Core datasets. Datasets Discovery: large improvement thanks to the recent use of IDN, HMA and CWIC –IDN and HMA are operational and funded, CWIC is prototype –Space Agencies’ infrastructure is heterogeneous. No one-size-fits-all solution but only a limited number of technical solutions can be envisaged. Agencies shall share their solutions whenever possible Registration of datasets: in general good reaction from CEOS Agencies incl. for GEOSS Data CORE
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 THANK YOU ….
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Backup Slides
25th CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy| 8-9 November 2011 Reuse of relevant existing projects (e.g. EC FP7). –Cost and time optimization. –2 potential candidates for integration into GCI : GENESI and EuroGEOSS Initial focus on about 20 Critical EO Observational Parameters and associated datasets –Data-CORE and other datasets