Lincoln, 1861Lincoln, 1865 The Civil War brought a lot of changes to the United States.
Lincoln believed both sides were at fault for the war. He was NOT interested in punishing the South.
In four years of war, more than 2,200 battles and over 6,800 engagements of all kinds were fought. The North summoned some 2,800,000 men of all classes to the cause. 65,078 Union soldiers were killed in action, 43,102 died from wounds received in action, and 224,586 died of disease. Estimates place the total Confederate enrollment at more than 600,000 men. The incomplete records available on Southern casualties show that 74,524 were killed or died from wounds and that 59,927 died of disease.
A. Approximately 800,000 Americans died 2% of the population Wiped out or disabled an entire generation of young men
B. South was ruined – cities, towns, and plantations were destroyed
C. Factories replaced farming as basis for nation’s economy
D. FEDERAL government grew stronger Questions about states’ rights & secession settled forever
Slavery in South ended A. In 1865, the 13 th Amendment freed slaves in ALL the states
B. 14 th Amendment - gave African-Americans full citizenship & “equal protection” (everyone treated fairly)
X C. 15 th Amendment – gave all MALE citizens right to vote
Went to a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C.
X A. Famous actor & Southern sympathizer – John Wilkes Booth X Plotted to kidnap Lincoln – 2 attempts failed X 1. Thought Lincoln’s death would inspire South to keep fighting
X Booth’s Gang - Supposed to kill Secretary of War Stanton, VP Johnson, Gen. Grant X 2. Powell attacked Sec. of State Seward Surratt boarding house
X B. Booth shot Lincoln at Ford’s Theater X Leapt onto stage shouting “Sic Semper Tyrannus” X Ankle broken in fall
Secretary of State William Seward
Dr. Mudd set Booth’s leg – plotter?
“Not often in the story of mankind does a man arrive on Earth who is both steel and velvet, who is as hard as rock and soft as drifting fog, who holds in his heart and mind the paradox of terrible storm and peace unspeakable and perfect” – Carl Sandburg
X On the run for 12 days, Booth & Herold cornered in barn X 1. Booth shot & killed
A. Andrew Johnson