SYSC 3100 - System Analysis and Design 1 Part I – Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

SYSC System Analysis and Design 1 Part I – Introduction

SYSC System Analysis and Design 2 Lecturer, TAs … Dr. Chung-Horng Lung Office: 4248 ME Tel: ext Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 1pm – 2pm TAs –Kyle Mulligan: Tue 2-4 –Navdeep Kapoor: Thu: 9-11 Lab – Architecture Building 507 AA

SYSC System Analysis and Design 3 Course Objectives Creating requirements specifications prior to designing and implementing complex software systems. –Software development life cycles. –Object Oriented Systems Analysis using UML. –Other analysis techniques (e.g., Petri nets). –Introduction to software design. The focus is on acquiring skills for Object Oriented analysis and design

SYSC System Analysis and Design 4 Textbooks Recommended –Simon Bennet, John Skelton, and Ken Lunn, SCHAUM'S ouTlines - "UML", 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Schaum's Outlines, ISBN , Do NOT buy 1st edition This book is available at the University book store. Get a copy today. Referenced –G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide,” 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, ISBN , st edition is not useful for this course.

SYSC System Analysis and Design 5 Web Site –Login: Password: Site will contain –course outline –lecture notes (PowerPoint slides - viewers can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site) –specifications for assignments –news & announcements, links to useful sites Please check it out on a regular basis

SYSC System Analysis and Design 6 Evaluation and Grading Scheme Evaluation: –3 (at least) assignments –1 midterm –A 3 hours, closed-book, final exam. Grading Scheme –To pass the course, a student must pass the final examination (D- or better). For students who pass the final exam, the grade will be calculated as follows: Assignments:15% Midterm: 15% Final exam:70%

SYSC System Analysis and Design 7 Assignments DO your assignments! Don’t “write off” an assignment just because of its relatively low weight in the overall grading scheme. –your work during assignments will probably give you a good idea of the exams You are encouraged to ask the TA or instructor for help, feedback, and suggestions, but you are expected to present your work clearly when you ask for assistance –Don’t ask or expect the TA to give you the answer!

SYSC System Analysis and Design 8 Students with Disabilities “Students with disabilities who require academic accommodations are encouraged to contact a coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre (Room 500 Unicentre, or TTY ) to complete the necessary letters of accommodation. Then, make an appointment to discuss your needs with your instructor at least two weeks prior to the first in-class test. This is to ensure sufficient time to make the necessary accommodation arrangements.”

SYSC System Analysis and Design 9 Context of the course Software Development activities Implementation Modeling notation (analysis, design) Methodology, Process