ALGEBRA SESSION Session 4: Range of Learners
12 x 3 Array Using the same picture, show 6 x 6 and prove that array also has the same value How did your representation change? What mathematical "rule" or property did you apply? How would this help students struggling with computational fluency?
Students in action Video 1 and Video 2
Computational Fluency Major focus in elementary grades Obstacle to success and confidence in math Students see each problem as a separate endeavor (trying to remember the "right steps" to follow rather than building on what they already know)
CCSS Connections Our goal: students learn computation strategies deriving from the operations' properties and the structure of the base ten system. Where do you see evidence of this goal across grade level standards? Where is it that we expect kids to master these ideas within the CCSS specifically? Stay in OA even though NBT would also be relevant
Karly (p ) What does she understand? What does she need to work on?
Karly (pg. 71) What has changed? What property is she using when she talks about dispersing the 9 into 3 bags of 3? 4 x 9 = 4 x (3 x 3) What does this tell us about her progress? What are the teacher's next steps?
Quick vs. Efficient What is the difference? Work as a table to come up with an explanation. Many times with struggling learners teachers what to give them quick strategies for success Quick: non transferrable, procedural Efficient - you can reuse you work, long range planning, investment, working smarter, not harder Analogy - math center vs. copies of recording sheets Fad diet vs. changing of eating habits. Long term effects!
Reflecting on Work The equivalent of "Night Writes" - when I was doing this work, I was thinking about... Show Me - exciting for kids Is it different than "checking your work?" Brainstorm some sentence starters students can use when expressing their ideas about strategies
Sharing Homework Sharing Protocol - 1 minute explanation, questions, rebuttal Talking chips - get rid of chips At the end of your discussion, please highlight the work of your team
HW Share Out Recognizing each other's work Comparing what we saw at different schools How will we share our work? Everyone? Small groups? Jigsaw?