Strengthening innovation and competitiveness through cooperation between European and Latin American regions. Fostering internationalization in Galician innovation system
External Projection of the Galician Innovation System INCITE, is the Galician Research, Development and Technological Innovation Plan for the period 2006 – 2010 One of the main instruments of the Plan is the programme that aims to structuring and developing the whole potential of the Galician R+D+I system through a Galician map of technological centres and the creation of technological platforms. The Plan also sets a Programme for the External Projection of the Galician Innovation System using this new structures. The objective of this programme is to amplify the geographical sphere for financial resources and knowledge and the transfer of results, using the tools designed within INCITE.
Technology Centres: AIMEN Technology Centre National Technology Centre for the Preservation of Fishing Products (ANFACO- CECOPESCA) Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA) Aquiculture Technology Centre of Galicia (CETGA) Fisheries Technology Centre of Celeiro (CETPEC) Galician Automotive Technology Centre (CTAG) Innovation and Technological Services Wood Centre (CIS-Madeira) Meat and Food Quality Technology Centre of Galicia (CTC) Official Metrology Laboratory of Galicia (LOMG) Technological Research Centre (CIT) Technology Innovation Centre in Construction and Civil Engineering (CITEEC) Information and Communication Technology Research Centre (CITIC) Technology Institute of Galicia (ITG) Granite Technology Centre (CTG) Galician Slate Technology Centre (CTL) Sea Technology Centre (CETMAR) Galician Research and Development Centre in Advanced Telecommunications (GRADIANT) Naval Technology Centre of Galicia (CETENAGA) Galician Plastic Centre (CGAP) Milk Technology Centre Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Technology Centre (Energylab) Software Technology Centre
External Projection of the Galician Innovation System Promotion of international cooperation: foster the presence of Galician agents in supranational spaces to encourage cooperation in science and technology through joint initiatives and projects, with special attention to areas where there are productive, geographical and cultural links, mainly Europe and Latin America. Support to the strategic sectors of the Galician economy using the new structure of centres and technological platforms to foster international cooperation
External Projection of the Galician Innovation System The Priorities for sector based Programmes and Critical Technologies defined in Plan INCITE where the base for definition of the net of Technological Platforms under the net NEURONA: ICT’s; Environment; Audiovisual; Energy; Book and Graphic Products; Materials, Industrial Design and Production; Automotive; Agrifood; Shipping Industries; Aquaculture; Stone works industries; Fishing sector; Wood and Timber industries; Biotechnology.
External Projection of the Galician Innovation System International links of the main industrial sectors are the starting point for the External Projection strategy: Several examples of critical technologies are the base for the external projection, investments and technological transfer of Galician companies and technological centres: Outstanding examples of cooperation in Latin America can be found for Biotechnology research of aquaculture species, Genomic and proteomic technologies for the study of pathologies in fish in aquaculture, Prediction models for marine resources, Technologies related to wind power, Nutritional technologies and others
External Projection of the Galician Innovation System Considering the structure configured by the Plan INCITE, the Program for External Projection of the Galician Innovation System, fosters Participation in international nets and organizations at European and Latin America level such us the Turin Euro-Latin American Forum for knowledge based regional development The Turin Euro-Latin American Forum will organize in Galicia, in cooperation with the Galician Ministry for Innovation and Industry, the Second Forum Conference “Regional innovation systems: from vision to reality” The Forum's second conference will take place on 1-3 April 2009 in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia.