Unit 2 Day 10- info on teen pregnancy and vocab 7 English IV
Do Now: Some of you have claimed that we should stay out of girls’ lives who are pregnant because it’s “their life” and their “choice.” My question to you is…. Is it a “choice” for a teen to become pregnant if they haven’t had adequate sex education? If a teen doesn’t know enough about contraceptives or the effects of pregnancy, is this a choice?
Announcements/ Reminders Bring in your research papers ASAP! Lunchtime learning if you do not have it. My 9 th period will now be in my own classroom! If you receive your research paper back and need to make corrections, HIGHLIGHT any corrections you make and give it back to me with the original copy. Next journals are due Wednesday, May 28 th Next outside reading is due Wednesday, June 4th
Tip of the day: CORRECT OR INCORRECT? I really wanted to see the big tree that was two-hundred years old. Almost correct… two-hundred-years old. CORRECT OR INCORRECT? If I’m talking about 100 trees that are the age of 1, would this be the correct way to write it? One-hundred-year-old trees. INCORRECT: Should be: One-hundred year-old trees.
Prayer (Erik T) Thurs: Jessica, next Tues: Ivan, next Wed: Sydnee
SWBAT Explain the reason behind the high teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. and what the U.S. has done about it in the last 30 years. Use context to determine a word’s meaning.
Vocab 7 1. acuity (N) 1. Though she was 85 years old, her mind had surprising acuity, which was probably helped by the fact that she did crossword puzzles and Sudoku every day. 2. abate (adj) 1. The rain was pouring down, but as the clouds began to move on, the rain slowly abated. 3. lackadaisical 1. The captain of the basketball team was enraged that his teammates were so lackadaisical, not wanting to do conditioning and showing up late to practice every day.
4. incensed (adj) 4. I was incensed when the freshman bumped into my lunch table and milk spilled all over my shirt; I almost started a fight right then and there! 5. feign (v) 4. Because Cady wanted to talk to Aaron Samuels, she feigned that she needed help in math class so that he would offer to tutor her (even though she was really good at math). 6. ambivalent (adj) 4. Many people have ambivalent feelings toward Malcolm X– they liked his cause in trying to raise up blacks, yet they weren’t sure if they liked his methodology to do this. 7. cognizant (adj) 7. Though he thought he knew a lot in high school and felt that he was pretty worldly, when he got to college, he became cognizant that he still had a lot more learning ahead of him.
8. impasse (N) 7. When Republicans and Democrats reached an impasse over the federal budget, our government shut down for 16 days while both parties tried to reach an agreement. 9. abhor (v) 7. Though she used to love ice cream and would eat it every day, she ate it too much and grew to abhor it as an adult, avoiding it at any cost. 10. hegemony (N) 7. The seniors enjoyed their full hegemony over the underclassmen, showing it by pushing the freshman into the lockers and always winning the school competitions.
How much does a child cost? How much does a child UNDER TWO cost every year? (NOT including savings for college) A) $10-15,000 B) Over $20,000 C) $5-10,000 D) $15-20,000 A) $10-15,000 every year How much does a child OVER TWO cost every year? (NOT including savings for college) A) $0-10,000 B) $10-20,000 C) $20-30,000 D) Over $30,000 B) $10-20,000
The Realities of Teen Pregnancy Bristol Palin on Teen Parenting Candies Foundation Advocating Against Teen Parenting
More info on teen pregnancy: You will be in charge of reading a short article and responding to 2-4 questions about the 1-2 page article. You will then share your new knowledge with two other classmates in new groups. Step 1: Read your article. Step 2: Respond to the questions. Step 3: Wait for Ms. Stitt to put you into groups to share with your classmates. Step 4: When in groups, share the information with your group members. They may want to take a few brief notes.
Questions: What are two main reasons for the high pregnancy and birth rates among teens in the US? From , what kind of sex ed was being taught in schools? Why was this being taught? From 2009-present day, how has sex ed changed? Why has it changed? Why do you think teens still become pregnant? Is it because people don’t care to use birth control? Is it because they’re embarrassed to try to access birth control? Is it because they don’t know enough information? What do YOU think?
Potential Solutions: What we’ll focus on in this unit Shows like “16 and pregnant”– Are they a deterrent? Or do girls think it’s glamorous? Sex Education/Contraceptives Education- Does it help? Does this work with a Catholic School? Social Shaming- Should teen pregnancy be more of a taboo subject in society than it is right now?
Is “Teen Mom” helping or hurting?
HW: Read the “16 and Pregnant” article and respond to the three questions that follow. Work on your outside reading for minutes
Exit: Those of you who received your research papers back today… Respond to 2-3 of my comments to you. Do you agree? Disagree? Are you confused about what I said? Do you want to meet at some point to talk about it? Those of you who did NOT receive your research papers… When will you be turning it in? How far are you? What can I support you on?