English 10 November 18 Bell Ringer: Not only are we using the tools of persuasion, but we’ve come to see that we’ve got to use the tools of coercion.
English 10 November 18 I Can…: Analyze persuasive writing, focusing on credibility, evidence, and appeals to logic. Use reading strategies to summarize, question and draw conclusions. Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument Plan: Work on Layered Curriculum for Argumentation.
Ticket out the Door: List and define the tree types of Appeals. ENGLISH 10 NOVEMBER 18
English 10 November 19 Bell Ringer: I got tough with my landlord, who is haphazard about recycling.
English 10 November 19 I Can…: Analyze persuasive writing, focusing on credibility, evidence, and appeals to logic. Use reading strategies to summarize, question and draw conclusions. Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument Plan: Work on Layered Curriculum for Argumentation.
Ticket out the Door: What is the difference between connotation and denotation? ENGLISH 10 NOVEMBER 19
English 10 November 20 and 21 Bell Ringer: Call it benevolent narcissism: Once I’ve been to a place, I care more about it.
English 10 November 20 and 21 I Can…: Analyze persuasive writing, focusing on credibility, evidence, and appeals to logic. Use reading strategies to summarize, question and draw conclusions. Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument Plan: Work on Layered Curriculum for Argumentation.
Ticket out the Door: What is the difference between objective and subjective? ENGLISH 10 NOVEMBER 20 AND 21
English 10 November 22 Bell Ringer: The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillside orchards.
English 10 November 22 I Can…: Analyze persuasive writing, focusing on credibility, evidence, and appeals to logic. Use reading strategies to summarize, question and draw conclusions. Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument Plan: Quiz on Argumentation terms. Work on Argumentation Layered Curriculum.
Ticket out the Door: List three things that can be used as evidence in an argument. ENGLISH 10 NOVEMBER 22