Qualitative Designs Chapter 8 Robert E. Slavin
Ethnography Emphasis THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTURE Used TO GENERATE HYPOTHESIS Use of: video tape, audio tape, documents, photographs, and diagrams ONGOING DATA ANALYSIS Open ended interviews/direct quotes Most common way to analyze data: constant- comparative Data analysis software: NVIVO and ATALAS.ti
Phenomenology Understand situations and environments from the PERSPECTIVE OF THE PARTICIPANTS Researchers “BRACKET” individual perceptions to describe the thoughts and feelings of participants LIMITED to research with older participants and adults who can provide insights on personal experiences Report “INTERPRETATION OF REALITY” UNSTRUCTURED interview
Case Studies An evaluation of a single program and/or setting by a 3 rd party Data collected using: INVENTORY REPORTS, OPEN - ENDED INTERVIEWS First determine goal and narrow set of objectives for study D ESCRIPTIVE DATA focused on the goals of the study Obtain PERSPECTIVE OF MANY PARTICIPANTS Second decide what data to collect Types: life history-i.e. ORAL HISTORY
Historical Research IMPORTANT : obtain information from sources as close to events as possible D ATA : documents (i.e. legal records, books, newspapers, minutes of board meetings, report cards, and standardized tests), oral statements, statistical records (i.e. attendance records, test scores, and district budgets) and relics (furniture, samples of assignments, yearbooks, trophies and equipment) = SECONDARY SOURCES Research to find connections between events in the past Researcher must weigh credibility and objectivity Critical reviews of documentary evidence First hand accounts = PRIMARY SOURCES Supplemented with interviews
Content Analysis Analysis of documents, letters and other forms of communication Systematic study of documents to study HUMAN BEHAVIOR Often part of a “larger” qualitative research design Sometimes MIXED METHOD DESIGN Begins with a specific question
Postmodern Research Designs C RITICAL T HEORY Researchers present cases of those who are marginalized, highlighting the injustices F EMINIST A PPROACH Aim to emancipate women and eradicate the inequalities that exist between men and women