Assistive Technology Zackary Dempsey, Danielle Poignon, and Elizabeth Weinland
Assistive Technology Assistive Technology Assistive Technology- is any device that helps students with physical and mental disabilities perform task that would be difficult or impossible for them to do on their own. Assistive Technology- is any device that helps students with physical and mental disabilities perform task that would be difficult or impossible for them to do on their own.
Multiple Intelligences
Learning Disabilities Common Learning Disabilities found in schools: Dyslexia Dysphasia/ Aphasia ADD/ADHD What can we do to help these students?
Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities - READING AND WRITING - Text to Speech Text to Speech Text to Speech - Books on Tape - Voice Activated Typing -Dragon Dictate Dragon DictateDragon Dictate-Scribes REMEDIAL SUBJECT MATTER -Subject based web tutorials
Assistive Technology for the Physically Disabled Adaptive seating Adaptive seating Wheel chairs, walkers Wheel chairs, walkers Printed notes with large print Printed notes with large print Microphone or recorded class lectures Microphone or recorded class lectures Ergonomic Pens Ergonomic Pens Touch screen computers Touch screen computers Voice recognition software Voice recognition software
Assistive Technology for the Average Student Many assistive technologies are being established in everyday classrooms to help average students grasp the subject matter. Flip Camera Skype and other social networking sites Smart Boards or interactive boards Google Docs
Assistive Technology for Gifted Children Web-based interactive lesson plans Web-based interactive lesson plans -The Gifted Kids Network The Gifted Kids NetworkThe Gifted Kids Network Guided research, projects, and classes online Guided research, projects, and classes online Personalized experiences Personalized experiences
Some issues with Assistive Technology Untrained in the uses. Can be expensive. Always changing and improving. Design: Making it universal rather than specialized.
Famous People with Physical and Mental Disabilities Famous People with Physical and Mental Disabilities Stephen Hawkin Franklin D. Roosevelt Magic Johnson
Works Cited Demski, Jennifer. "AND ACCESS for all." T H E Journal (2008): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Mar Demski, Jennifer. "AND ACCESS for all." T H E Journal (2008): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Mar Eckstein, Michelle. "The Gifted Kids Network." Gifted Child Today 32.2 (2009): Education Research Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Eckstein, Michelle. "The Gifted Kids Network." Gifted Child Today 32.2 (2009): Education Research Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Elkind, Ken. "Choosing Assistive Technology for Teaching Reading and Writing." Media & q Methods 40.6 (2004): 20. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Elkind, Ken. "Choosing Assistive Technology for Teaching Reading and Writing." Media & q Methods 40.6 (2004): 20. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar "How to Teach Children With Physical Disabilities |" eHow. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb "How to Teach Children With Physical Disabilities |" eHow. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb "Introduction to Assistive Technology: Trends and Issues."ATTO: Assistive Technology Training Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb "Introduction to Assistive Technology: Trends and Issues."ATTO: Assistive Technology Training Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb Kennedy, Michael J., and Donald D. Deshler. "LITERACY INSTRUCTION, TECHNOLOGY, AND STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES: RESEARCH WE HAVE, RESEARCH WE NEED." Learning Disability Quarterly 33.4 (2010): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Kennedy, Michael J., and Donald D. Deshler. "LITERACY INSTRUCTION, TECHNOLOGY, AND STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES: RESEARCH WE HAVE, RESEARCH WE NEED." Learning Disability Quarterly 33.4 (2010): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Lever-Duffy, Judy and Jean B. McDonald. Teaching and Learning with Technology. 4 th ed. Boston: Pearson, Print. Lever-Duffy, Judy and Jean B. McDonald. Teaching and Learning with Technology. 4 th ed. Boston: Pearson, Print. Wallace, Patricia. "Distance education for gifted students: leveraging technology to expand academic options." High Ability Studies 16.1 (2005): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Wallace, Patricia. "Distance education for gifted students: leveraging technology to expand academic options." High Ability Studies 16.1 (2005): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Williams, Peter, and David Nicholas. "Testing the usability of information technology applications with learners with special educational needs (SEN)." Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 6.1 (2006): Education Research Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Williams, Peter, and David Nicholas. "Testing the usability of information technology applications with learners with special educational needs (SEN)." Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 6.1 (2006): Education Research Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar Disabled World. Well Known People with Disabilities. N.p.: Web. 20 Mar Disabled World. Well Known People with Disabilities. N.p.: Web. 20 Mar