Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers Virginia Department of Education Approved April 2011
Code of Virginia Requires: That school boards shall develop procedures in evaluating instructional personnel that address student academic progress (how this requirement is met is the responsibility of the local school board) (by 7/1/12)
March 15 Teacher Evaluation Committee review draft March 16 to April 17 Sub-Committees of teachers provide input April 18 Draft presented to all principals April 20 Planning committee reconvenes April 30-May 235 Regional Input Sessions for teachers May 29Final meeting with planning committee JuneDrafts posted for public review/School Board Input Summer Measures/targets finalized August 9 Training for all administrators August Training for all teachers
The Board Recommends (but does not require): That each teacher receive a summative evaluation rating of unsatisfactory, needs improvement, proficient, or exemplary That the rating be determined by weighting the first 6 standards equally at 10%, and the 7th standard (student academic progress), account for 40% of the summative evaluation
Performance Standards: 1.Professional Knowledge 2.Instructional Planning 3.Instructional Delivery 4.Assessment of and for Student Learning 5.Learning Environment 6.Professionalism 7.Student Academic Progress (the work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress)
The Board Further Recommends: When considering student academic progress…… Student learning should be determined by multiple measures of student academic progress. At least 20% of the teacher evaluation (half of the student academic progress measure) is comprised of student growth percentiles as provided by VDOE (NOTE: less than 30% of VA teachers will have this). Another 20% of the teacher evaluation should be measured using one or more alternative measures with evidence that the alternative measure is valid.
Goals in HCPS for this Transition Meet the state regulation requirements. Stay true to our work around gathering evidence for evaluation. Honor the work we have done around evaluation. Create as little BUMP as possible to current practice. Do it WELL!
Henrico Response PQRs are our Performance Standards and they are correlated to the recommended standards from the state. Our summative evaluation rating will have a two- category scale: meets or does not meet standards. We will consider student academic progress in our system through the PGEP Planning Form and a set of division measures (according to grade/subject).
Determining the Scale We will use a 100 point scale where: The Instructional Responsibilities will be worth 30 points. The Professional Qualities will be worth 30 points. There will be two student outcome measures used - each worth 20 points (for a total of 40 points).
In Year 1, all teachers will have 2 measures: Teachers will be evaluated on the first measure according to the county-wide target. Teachers will be evaluated on the 2nd measure based on completion/data collection of the measure. This will allow HCPS to collect data on various measures in order to be able to establish valid targets for Year 2.
Determining the Rating If a teacher earns 80 or more points he/she will “Meet Standards.” If a teacher earns less than 80 points he/she will “Not Meet Standards.”
Once Again: The Rating Scale Instructional Responsibilities: 30 pts. Professional Qualities: 30 pts. Academic Target #1: 20 pts. Academic Target #2: 20 pts. TOTAL: 100 pts.
Examples of Using the Scale to Determine the Evaluation Rating 1.Teacher meets Instructional Responsibilities: 30 pts. 2. Teacher meets Professional Qualities: 30 pts. 3. Teacher meets student academic progress target #1: 20 pts. 4. Teacher DOES NOT meet student academic progress target #2: 0 pts. Summative Rating: Teacher MEETS STANDARDS with 80 pts.
Examples of Using the Scale to Determine the Evaluation Rating 1.Teacher meets Instructional Responsibilities: 30 pts. 2. Teacher DOES NOT meet Professional Qualities: 0 pts. 3. Teacher meets student academic progress target #1: 20 pts. 4.Teacher meets student academic progress measure #2: 20 pts. Teacher DOES NOT MEET STANDARDS with 70 pts.
What about on and off-series? For continuing contract teachers, the evaluation cycle will move from a two- year cycle to a three-year cycle. This may be more frequent if needed (this is the discretion of the administrator). Continuing contract teachers will be required to collect 3 years worth of data for his/her formal evaluation in Year 3. In non- evaluation years, a data review conference (either individual or with grade levels/departments), is required with all continuing contract teachers before December 15. The evaluation form will be used only in the evaluation year of the cycle. Probationary teachers will be evaluated every year.
Measures and Targets Philosophy – to involve stakeholders to create measures that accurately reflect the impact of a teacher on student learning Implementation – Gradual, slow, measures will evolve based on feedback – Year 1: rely on measures we already have – Year 2: create new measures – Targets will be challenging. These will be delayed until Year 2.
Target for Year 1: “All students will show growth. Unique exceptions will be quantified or additional information collected to represent student growth.”
Elementary Measures KReading Only PALS Gr. 1Reading OnlyPALS Gr. 2Reading OnlyPALS Gr. 3Reading & MathSOLs & MAPS/PALs Gr. 4Reading & MathSOL SGPs & MAPS Gr. 5Reading & MathSOL SGPs & MAPS Notes: Alternative measures for 3-5 are in development for For Year 1, all teachers must select math or reading. The growth of a teacher’s HOMEROOM students will be measured. Science and Social Studies measures may be used as the 2nd measure for those teachers who only teach science and/or social studies.
Secondary Measures Standardized Tests: – NWEA, SOLs (SGP), CTE Certification Pre and Post-Test Assessments Performance Based Tasks Portfolios Note: The prep to be used for the student growth measure will be determined at the start of the year during the Planning Conference with the administrator. However, student growth should be evident for every class a teacher has, regardless of the number of preps he/she has.
Long-Term Benefits To evaluate teacher impact beyond passing an SOL test To measure learning that we value as part of an evaluation To bring consistency in level of instruction across the district To have teachers focused on pushing students further
Considerations for Pre-August: Visit the teacher evaluation website, listen to the audio files, and review the documents: It will be necessary for principals to determine which continuing contract teachers will be “on series” in Year 1 (12- 13), Year 2 (13-14), and Year 3 (14-15). You may want to begin this process during the summer and fine-tune it in August. A large portion of time at the Leadership Academy in August will be spent on this process, including specific training on the measures for each grade/subject.