TEACHERS Mrs. Lane Mrs. LaJoie Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | This text section may be deleted for
A Third Grader’s Year It’s an exciting year! Increased responsibilities and expectations More independence (Hallway expectations) First Year of Reading and Math MCAs
Our Special Area Teachers Special Area Teachers Mrs. Damerval (Music) Mrs. Nelson (P. E.) Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Kerlin (Media) Mrs. Amstutz (Art) Reading -Mrs. Zaccariello -Reading Support Teacher ESOL – Miss Miller Mr
Communication Pinewood phone: Planners-checked daily (notes, appointments, pick up plan) Monthly calendars Conferences - October and February
PINEWOOD PAWS P - Provide Respect A - Act Safely W - Work Hard S - Show Responsibility ***School – Wide Behavior Expectations***
Planner Expectations Student will complete planner pages with the class each day. An adult should review the planner daily and sign or initial page. Planners will be checked daily at school. for
100 BOOK CHALLENGE READING 2 Steps (30 minutes) required nightly Reading log completely filled out with signature MATH HOMEWORK: Fact practice : 1 step = 10 minutes Math Standard of the week- see Monday planner page each week HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS
Class Information ** VOLUNTEERS** Field trips, in/out of school activities **SNACKS** Healthy snacks, water bottles (no juice) **BIRTHDAYS**
FORMS TO TURN IN TODAY Enrollment Inclement Weather PAWS Agreement Pinewood Compact 100 Book Challenge contract
Helpful Hints School Supplies: Please make sure your child has supplies from the list. Check throughout the year to see if supplies need to be replenished. White board makers are used daily. Your class donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Pinewood Rocks! Thank you third graders and families! We are going to have a great year!