Title I Annual Parent Meeting Sawgrass Elementary School August 20, 2014 Mr. Roberts, Principal Mr. Roberts, Principal Growing beyond expectations
DRAFT Agenda Welcome and Introductions All About Title I Achievement Standards and Testing Parental Involvement Class Size Reduction SMART Bond Visit Classrooms
12/20/ points * A= points
What is the“Elementary and Secondary Education Act”? Federal act signed into law in 1965; reauthorized in 2010 that aims to ensure: 1.College and career ready students 2.Great teachers and leaders in every school 3.Equity and opportunity for all students 4.A raising of standards and rewarding of excellence 5.Continuous improvement & promote innovation
What is Title I? Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Sawgrass Elementary is one of these Title I school What every parent should know about Title I! (brochure)
How Title I Works The Federal Government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the Broward County Schools. The School District identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Then, Sawgrass Elementary implements a school-wide program using Title I $$.
DRAFT Parent’s Rights Be involved and request regular meetings to expression your opinions and concerns Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on assessments in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher Be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks.
Title I funds $271,461 ◦Parental Involvement Activities ◦Professional Development for Staff ◦Resources to increase and improvement achievement for all students
Who decides how funds are used? Every school has a School Advisory Council (SAC) composed of: ◦Parents, Teachers, Other staff that works at the school and Principal ◦The School Advisory Council determines how to use Title I funds
DRAFT School Accountability Report Card School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) provides the community with important information about each public school ◦Demographic data; ◦School safety and climate for learning information; ◦Academic data; ◦Graduation rates; ◦Class sizes; ◦Teacher and staff information; ◦Curriculum and instruction descriptions; ◦Postsecondary preparation information; and ◦AYP information. Available at the school office or online at ◦
DRAFT Florida’s academic content standards establish high expectations for all students. Common Core State Standards/Florida Standards identify what your child needs to know and be able to do in all content areas. Information located on our school’s webpage.
DRAFT Implementation of Assessment Results at Sawgrass Professional development (PLC) related to core content (English Language Arts, Writing, Science and Mathematics.) Allowing teachers the professional courtesy to perform their craft with minimal interruption Providing immediate support through the RtI process for students with identified concerns
DRAFT Working together! Title I law requires that all Title I schools and families work together. How we work together is listed in our: ◦Parental Involvement Plan ◦School-Parent Compact ◦Title I Plan (School Improvement Plan)
DRAFT Parent Involvement Plan SAC: School Advisory Council SAF: School Advisory Forum PTA: Parent Teacher Association School Volunteer September 11 PTA General Meeting at 6:00 September 17 SAC/SAF at 6:00 pm
DRAFT ◦Annual Title I Meeting ◦Newsletter ◦Marquis ◦Flyers ◦Website ◦Phone ◦Home-school agenda ◦Parent Learning Night Parent Involvement Communication
DRAFT School-Parent Compact [List School Responsibilities/Promises] [List Family Promises/Responsibilities] [List Student Promises/Responsibilities]
Your involvement is key to your child’s success! You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: ◦Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers; and ◦Review progress reports on your child and the school.
DRAFT Class Size Reduction Last Year: 890 Students Tuesday: 997 Students Grades K-3 are limited to 18 Grades 4 and 5 are limited to 22 New-new Staff: *1 st, 5 th, (K-pending); (potentially 2 nd & 3 rd )
DRAFT 21 General Obligation Bond S – Safety M – Music/Arts A – Athletics R – Renovations T – Technology Up to $800 Million for the Dist Modernize and Improve Outdated Educational Facilities Upgrade Instructional Technology All Schools will Benefit For More Information Hotline
DRAFT Classroom Visits Teachers will provide grade specific information. How parents can help their child.