David Blair, Director of Veteran and Military Affairs, The University of Alabama VETERANS SERVICES WORKSHOP
Share information about what the University of Alabama is doing for student veterans, service members, and dependents Key points in providing resources, programming, and building staff for veterans, service members, and dependents Benefit Counseling Programs Outreach Programs Transition Programs Career Transitions Family Assistance Student Organizations Student Workers PURPOSE
Mission: The mission of The Office of Veteran and Military Affairs is to provide, facilitate, or coordinate programs and services to meet the special needs of veterans, service members, dependents, and survivors (VSDS) in order to ease their transition to college life and fulfill their educational goals. OFFICE OF VETERAN AND MILITARY AFFAIRS-UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA
Institutional Support Staffing/Space CAS Standards Outreach/Recruiting KEYS TO SUCCESS
Mission Program Leadership Human Resources Ethics Legal Responsibilities Equity & Access Diversity Organization & Management Campus and External Relations Financial Resources Assessment and Evaluation CAS STANDARDS
Intake interviews/ counseling sessions Determine needs of the student Prospective Students Orientation VMA Ambassadors COMPREHENSIVE BENEFIT COUNSELING
Recruiting Retention Active, Reserve, and National Guard Units, college fairs, and military education fairs Public, private, and non-profit organizations VMA Honor Walk OUTREACH PROGRAMS
Mobilization Transition VSDS Workshop Sessions FLC/LLC- Transition from Military to College TRANSITION PROGRAMS
Career Center Partnerships Networking Conference on February 20 th Workshops: Essay Writing Resume Critique Career Fair Preparation VA Partnership CAREER TRANSITION
Nationally 47% of student veterans have children. 47.3% of student veterans are married Family Needs Housing Day Care Employment Emergency Services n/studentvets.asp FAMILY ASSISTANCE
Student Led Voice on campus Build relationships between VSDS Involvement in campus and local community Student Government Partnership- Textbook for Troops CAMPUS VETERANS ASSOCIATION (SVA)
Part-time work (average 15 hours) Receiving federal VA educational benefits Job Responsibilities WORK STUDY PROGRAM
Introduction of new resources (computer lab, printing services, test booklets, lounge space, academic and co-curricular engagement, etc.) Data collection on current student population Priority Registration in the works Increase communication to student veterans and dependents through web presence and electronic resources Tracking academic progress of sample student population receiving GI benefits Fundraising through selling brick pavers Working with the University Registrar to develop standards for accepting military transcripts Developing Bama Boot camp training Advisor Contacts AND MUCH MORE
Office of Veteran and Military Affairs One BB Comer Box: Phone: Fax: vets.ua.edu CONTACT INFORMATION