FP Infrastructures Financing Opportunities for Research Infrastructures In Candidate Countries eInfrastructure Info days in Romania and Bulgaria July 2005
FP Infrastructures Flexible control and sharing of distributed resources Resources can be of any information type (storage, computing, networking, instrumentation, etc) Resources can be distributed world-wide Access to them needs to be provided in a secure, coordinated, seamless, dynamic and inexpensive way Resources can be physical, virtual, single or multiple sited eInfrastructure building virtual organisations
FP Infrastructures Testbeds use eInfrastructure eInfrastructure profits from technological innovation international dimension eInfrastructure the model
FP Infrastructures Enabler - eInfrastructures Researcher: the most precious capital and the centre of all developments! eInfrastructure serving fast growing needs
FP Infrastructures e Infrastructure (Grids empowered) e Infrastructure (Grids empowered) security mobility semantic web. automatic management broadband learning business aeronautics genomics environment astronomy health science IPv6 Grid eInfrastructure vision
FP Infrastructures eInfrastructure operational infrastructure networking specific services joint research activities Gateway testbed technological. innovation community engagement eInfrastructure – set of persistent services and processes bringing the power of distributed ICT based resources to a virtual community
FP Infrastructures eInfrastructure implementation components networking specific services joint research activities GÉANT. INFRASTRUCTURE networking specific services joint research activities GRID. INFRASTRUCTURE User testbeds Technology testbeds research results EU policies
FP Infrastructures Strategic building blocks GÉANT. INFRASTRUCTURE GRID. INFRASTRUCTURE e-Infrastructure GÉANT2 World leading Pan-European Research Network EGEE production quality grid+SEEGRID DEISA grid of 6 supercomputers networked at1 Gbps, focus on GFS,>30 Tflop/s … + 18 proposals
FP Infrastructures eInfrastructure FP6 – the GÉANT layer National initiatives TEN 155 network GÉANT network (other) testbeds (2 nd generation) GÉANT network IPv6 actions IPv6 testbeds
FP Infrastructures eInfrastructure FP6 – the grid layer EGEE production quality, CPUs, ~4PB storage, training, 27 countries, international links supercomputer network, >30 Tflop/s DEISA Knowledge Grids, Access Grids, Mobility, facilities for ready-to-use SW, new user communities/ Industry XXX OpeninfrastructuresOpeninfrastructures National initiatives Grid testbeds New Call Grid initiatives
FP Infrastructures eInfrastructure FP6 – consolidating initiatives EGEE + SEEGrid DEISA National initiatives (2 nd generation) GÉANT network New Call Consolidating initiatives
FP Infrastructures Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004 eInfrastructure - Consolidating initiatives New user communities Policies, AAA, security, resource registries International aspects Research Networking Test-beds Optical, Wireless, Security, Grids, other technologies. User involvement / technology validation eInfrastructure – Grid initiatives Continue building advanced Grid-empowered infrastructures Emphasis on: Production quality & ready-to-use SW-infrastructures Address industry requirements Environments dynamically adaptable to user needs eInfrastructure new Calls for proposals
FP Infrastructures Call Publication: 11 May 2005 Electronic Submission Deadline: 7 September 2005 Available Budget from the EC: € 55 Million Instruments open for this Call: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) Specific Support Action (SSA) Coordination Action (CA) Potential Projects Start: Early 2006 eInfrastructure Call b.4: Grid initiatives
FP Infrastructures Infrastructures exhibiting production-level performance capabilities Distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales for use by a broad range of different research disciplines. Emphasis on initiatives to lead to production-quality and ready-to-use software for both science and engineering Complement and add value to national Grid-initiatives Favour interconnection to major Grid-based experimental infrastructures in other parts of the world Support integration on eInfrastructures of Grid and Semantic/Web technological and business concepts. eInfrastructure Call b.4: Grid initiatives
FP Infrastructures Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004 eInfrastructure - Consolidating initiatives New user communities Policies, AAA, security, resource registries International aspects Research Networking Test-beds Optical, Wireless, Security, Grids, other technologies. User involvement / technology validation eInfrastructure – Grid initiatives Continue building advanced Grid-empowered infrastructures Emphasis on: Production quality & ready-to-use SW-infrastructures Address industry requirements Environments dynamically adaptable to user needs eInfrastructure new Calls for proposals
FP Infrastructures Call Publication: 17 May 2005 Electronic Submission Deadline: 21 September 2005 Available Budget from the EC: € 18 Million (this amount accounts for 90% of the budget pre-allocated to this Strategic Objectives) Instruments open for this Call: Integrated Projects (IP) Network of Excellence (NoE) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Specific Support Action (SSA) Coordination Action (CA) Potential Projects Start: 2006 eInfrastructure IST Programme SO Research Networking Testbeds
FP Infrastructures Integrate, test, validate and demonstrate new fixed and wireless networking technologies - including disruptive technologies - and services in real-world settings and production environments. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) Provide open test infrastructures for third party researchers. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) Foster interoperability of solutions to achieve broader-scale up-take of new state-of-the-art infrastructure technology and promote open- source. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) Develop roadmaps and strategic guidance for infrastructure development in Europe… (SSAs, CAs) eInfrastructure IST Programme SO Research Networking Testbeds
FP Infrastructures Further challenges GRID MIDDLEWARE INTERNET eHEALTH eSCIENCE eCOMMERCE RESOURCES STORAGE DATA FILE SHARING WEB eIRG White Paper … grids and e-matter… The ˝World Wide Grid˝ and the need to progressively support networking, grids and resources The HPCN ESFRI report …For many scientific applications, there is not doubt that the GRID infrastructure will help improving the lack of resources, by making a better use of distributed systems. However, GRID is unlikely to solve all scientific problems, and there are classes of scientific domains, which will always require very large centralised computing resources.
FP Infrastructures eInfrastructure further information Web page Workshops Newsletter Brochures
FP Infrastructures Bridging the Digital Divide: Information Society Policy(i2010) in Structural Funds “Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion ” IS Policy and Structural Funds
FP Infrastructures Structural funds and ICT Research (1) ICT – a key enabler for productivity growth & competitiveness –Half of productivity gains in our economies are due to ICT ICT impacts business efficiency across the economy ICT underpins innovations in all major products and services ICT – providing tools for addressing key societal challenges –ageing population, inclusion, healthcare –Education, learning and preserving Cultural diversity –Safety, environment and risk management ICT – a facilitator for more efficient public services –Helps modernise administrations and public services –allows more participation in democracy and public life ICT – an important sector in its own right –From 4% of EU GDP in early 90s to close to 8% today ICT – underpins progress in all science & technology fields –Computation and simulation, data handling, sensing, control, collaboration, etc. –e.g. GÉANT, the world-leading research network, eScience Grids
FP Infrastructures Structural funds and ICT Research (2) European Aim: Double total investment in RTD Building the knowledge infrastructure (R&D capacity building) –Providing Research Infrastructure Research Networking Equipment, Facilities –Attracting Human Capital and developing Skills –Supporting Innovation Ecosystems Attracting Industrial Investments –Poles of Excellence in key ICT fields Focus and prioritisation –Leveraging industrial investments E.g. clean-rooms for nano-electronics
FP Infrastructures Synergy and Complementary Measures Framework Programme –SF support is a key underpinning factor for participation in the EU Framework Programmes for RTD –Strong links with FP7 activities on Research Infrastructure and Research Potential Competitiveness and Innovation Programme –Support for ICT uptake in businesses and administrations –Best Practice and Networking Actions
FP Infrastructures RI and structural funds DG REGIO and DG INFSO (together with other DGs) participate actively in the Task Force for Research Infrastructures in FP7 created by DG RTD –The generic cooperation framework is identified. e-Infrastructures in FP7 –Research Network Backbone GÉANT – articulation with National Research Networks –Grid Infrastructures – building upon national strategies and “gridifying” Nationa/ resources –Supercomputers/data storage – “networking” national resources to build high end distributed supercomputers in Europe There are multiple examples in which e-Infrastructures in the Member States are supported by structural funds –E.g. Galician supercomputers funded by InterregIII In FP7 Capacities, the definition of Research Infrastructures (and e-Infrastructures) is very much in line with the strategic support that the Cohesion policy may provide
FP Infrastructures Conclusion Associated and future new Member States should create strategic co-ordination on national level. NRENs and ICT policy makers should get actively involved in the Strategic Reference Framework and Operational Plan to consolidate inclusion in the plans. Financing of high speed RTD infrastructure is now included in the Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion