Herodotus By: Antjuan W
Herodotus Family Theodorus: Brother Dryo: Mother He came from a wealthy and cosmopolitan Greek-Carian merchant family. Lyxes: Father
About Herodotus. Herodotus was born 484 BC in Halicarnassus, a greek city in south west Asia and died 425 BC. Herodotus was a traveler, he Enjoyed traveling to different seas and studying the environment. Herodotus covered a large part of the Persian Empire, he went to Egypt and at least as far south as Elephantine. Herodotus was also a historian for Greek history for of the all important period between 550 and 479 bce but also for much of that of western Asia and of Egypt at that time. Herodotus did not divide people by race in his books, he divided it by continent and languages He talks about people with black skin, but not about “black people” as if they were one of the main kinds of humans. He applies the term “Ethiopian” to some black-skinned people, but not to all.
Places i’ve been Ethiopia Syria Black Sea