Intro To Energy
Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb Aerial Clip Atomic Bomb Wide Shot Clip 2 Buildings Blown Away 1.How big do you think the bomb was prior to explosion? 2.What factors caused the huge explosion? 3.Why is the bomb so destructive? 4.What causes the effects of what we saw in the clips?
What are some forms of Energy. — we will make a list on the board
Video What is Energy?
Potential Energy Definition: Broad category for long term stored energy in an object based on position or composition. Analogy: Money stored in a bank => long term storage of energy
Kinetic Energy E k Definition: Short term storage of energy based on an objects or systems movement Moving objects have energy. An object must have energy to move. Examples: flowing water (river, waterfall)
Gravitational Energy E g The higher an object is from the surface of the earth, the more gravitational energy the object has. If the force of gravity can pull two objects closer together, they contain stored energy when they are held apart. (Energy stored in a gravitational field) Floor
Elastic EnergyE el Elastic energy is stored in the deformation of objects that want to return to their original shape rubber bands and springs (You can pull and push springs)
Thermal EnergyE th Thermal Energy is stored in an object when the motion of atoms and molecules is increased causing them to collide with each other more often. (Heat is produced) Hot springs A cup of hot tea
Chemical EnergyE ch Energy stored in the chemical bonds within molecules. It is released in chemical reaction. Batteries Natural gas Coal Living Things Example: The energy stored in gasoline is released by burning it (combustion). During combustion, chemical bonds are broken and reformed, releasing energy
Nuclear Energy The energy that is contained within the nucleus of an atom. Transforms into light, sound and heat when a nuclear bomb goes off.
Electrical Energy Is associated with its configuration of a particular set of point charges within a defined system. An object may have electrical energy by its own electric charge and its relative position to other electrically charged objects. Energy stored in an electric field due to separation of charges Lightning Batteries (IN USE)- when you turn on a battery the electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy.(thermal, sound, light Headphones Static electricity
Light Energy Light Energy is electromagnetic energy Light Bulbs X-rays Sunshine/Solar energy Radio Waves
Mechanical Wave Energy- sound Movement of energy through a substance, such as air or water, and is caused by vibrations. Sound is a mechanical wave like water waves and earthquake waves/vibrations. Voice/singing Musical instruments—vibration of the strings Clapping
PE vs. KE All energy can be one of two states: Potential Energy or Kinetic Energy Categorize the types of Energies into Potential or Kinetic Energy Gravitational Energy Elastic Energy Thermal Energy Light Energy Chemical Energy Wave Energy-sound Electrical Energy
In journals: What does energy allow us to do? Is energy a physical object? Can objects have energy? Why? How does this relate to the atomic bomb?