Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics FNCE 2015 The Student Experience Presented by Emily Smith Most relevant for students in a DPD program who plan to become an RD
Here are some pictures I took of the expo and some of the samples I got. The expo is really overwhelming and huge, but was a great opportunity to see what kind of products are out there and ask questions. There was a booth for just about everything and most booths had free samples or giveaways.
Earning the Internship Passing the RD Exam Branding Yourself as an RDN Student Track Earning the Internship Passing the RD Exam Branding Yourself as an RDN
Earning the Internship Presented by Debra Wein, MS, RDN, LDN (DI Director, Wellness Workdays), Alexis Fissinger (Nutrition Fellow), Gina Pazzaglia, PhD, RDN (DPD Director, West Chester University of PA) Top 10 Tips Debra Wein, MS, RDN, LDN, DI Program Director, Wellness Workdays Contact the program Speak up Make interactions personal Send a thank-you Select smart recommendations Explain application limitations Professionalism Proofread Quality vs quantity Plan ahead Explore options Think about your skills and goals Connect and network Reach out to current/past interns Contact directors Follow up and thank Attend open houses Do your research Attend conferences & networking events Tips on what presenters think is important in internship applications Consider what sites you are a good fit for If you don't know interns, ask DPD director of your program or DI director of internship site Always be professional Quality vs quantity: experience as well as word choice on application
DI Application Tips Presented by Alexis Fissinger Create a timeline and start early Don’t wait until the last minute to submit, it will only create more stress if there is a technical issue Read directions carefully Contact DICAS and D&D support if you have questions Know how to sell your experiencs and skills in a few words Be concise and consistent Have a clear vision and be able to tailor your story to each program Know WHY you are the best fit for that program Don’t overuse “passion” or overestimate the impact of an in-depth personal story Rank based on YOUR preferences!
The Interview Presented by Alexis Fissinger Show interest in higher and continuing education Know where the future of dietetics is headed Sell skills that make you unique Consider attributes which led well to the field Positive attitude Effective communicator Initiaive Empathy
As an Intern… Be curious! As questions and share knowledge Practice being an active member of the medical team Seek new opportunities Create/modify patient education, research, events, case studies Appreciate your preceptors
Passing the RD Exam Presented by Paula Leibovitz, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN; Robert Blackwood; Juli Goerend Eligibility window: take test as soon as you can to avoid issues You have 1 year after receiving CDR authorization to test (via receipt of examination application email) If this time expires, contact the Commission on Dietetic Registration to request reauthorization If unsuccessful in passing the test, you may apply for reauthorization to retest after 45 days have passed No limit on examination attempts Important that your name on government issued ID EXACTLY matches your name as it appears on your authorization to test from the CDR Statistically more successful for those who take the RD exam closer to when they complete their DI.
RD Exam Details Domains of the exam: Multiple choice, single answer Nutrition Care for Individuals and Groups – 50% Management of Food and Nutrition Programs and Services – 21% Foodservice Systems – 17% Principles of Dietetics – 12% Multiple choice, single answer Answer all questions until it tells you to stop, not just when you get to the 125 question minimum Must receive a 25 or higher (scale score) to pass Score does not equal # of correct answers Depends on difficulty of question for more information
Branding: Creating your Professional Image Presented by Melinda Johnson, MS, RDN, Carlene Thomas, RDN, LD Utilize social media Keep it professional Professional website: wix, weebly, wordpress, blogger Have a story Stick to your niche Be consistent brainstorming app Organizes ideas Notes, files, calendar events, etc Intended for new professionals, those who are seeking employment or are self-employed
FNCE 2016 Boston, MA!