Connect all you have done this year so far!
1) A Solar System is defined as a Sun (central star) with its associated planets, asteroids, meteoroids, moons (satellites), dwarf planets, and comets that are captured in its orbit. These various celestial bodies are trapped in a constant orbit around the Sun by its strong gravitational pull. Watch a few videos
Keep your handout copy in your binder.
2) The atmosphere surrounds the Earth in a thin buffer of air which is held around the Earth by the force of gravity. Atmosphere provides the air we breathe and acts as a protective shield from harmful radiation and meteorites. (Part II) It is an abiotic (non-living) factor. 3) The Sun’s gravitational pull holds the Earth and the other planets in orbit. Sun’s energy gives Earth it’s seasons, climate, and ocean currents. The oceans store the Sun’s energy creating wind, and the wind regulates the temperature of the Earth. (Part I) Blue sky? More info
4) Meteoroids are made of particles of matter and smaller than asteroids and comets that float in space, usually un-noticed until they streak through the atmosphere. 5) Asteroids are metallic, rocky objects without atmospheres that orbit the Sun; they are too small to be called planets and are found in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. 6) Comets are small bodies of ice and dust; they have an elliptical orbit that take them from around the Sun to beyond the orbit of Uranus. When a comet passes near the Sun, it’s vaporized ice becomes two tails; one white from the dust and one blue from gas vapors.
1.Sun 2.Mercury 3.Venus 4.Earth 5.Earth’s Moon 6.Mars 7. Jupiter 8. Jupiter’s moon: Europa 9. Saturn 10. Saturn’s moon: Titan 11. Uranus 12. Neptune 13. Dwarf planet: Pluto 14. Asteroids 15. Comets 16. Meteoroids For each object above, answer the following information: 1) What is the distance of the object from the Sun?, 2) Is there water present in any form? What is the form?, and 3) What is the composition of the atmosphere? Is there an atmosphere? What are the elements found in the atmosphere? Follow the directions from your teacher on how to set up your chart in your science notebook with this information (you will NOT write on index cards). Check your handout for more information.
Watch the demonstration of how to search sites using one of the search engines; google, yahoo, or bing. Use these sites (type them in the address bar): You will be given a chance to check your data with a peer-to-peer seminar. Now, Your Ready for Quiz#1 and Lesson 2