Guinea worm disease is a flatworm inside the intestinal tract or deep in the connective tissues. It’s a parasite found in Cyclops also know as water fleas. It’s a helminth
Humans get infected by drinking water that has not been unfiltered.
Locate an adult worm in the lesion, or larvae from the adult female worm in ulcer.
Pain in joints Nausea Fever Pruritus Blisters Ulcers Eosinophilia Secondary infections
You remove the worm by winding the worm up to 3 feet (1 meter) around a small stick and manually extracting- slow and a very painful process that often takes weeks. There are no vaccinations or drugs only medicine to relieve pain.
Year it accrued: 15 th century BC Where it accrued: Egypt Pathological examination of an Egyptian mummy in which a calcified worm was identify as dracunculiasis.
Its only in a couple of countries today.
Will be the second that will truly end after small pox ending being number one. There were 3.5 million cases in It was only found in 21 countries that are in Africa and Asia. Mostly in Sudan it’s the highest with 73% of the cases. 2012 there are 542 cases in South Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, Chad.
Affects all ages Mostly common in farmers
Dracunculiasis just make you weak and feel disabled. No death rate
I don’t really have a story I just read about this disease and found it interesting.
Its an emerging disease
aSites2001/dracunculiasis/DRACUNCULIA SIS.html aSites2001/dracunculiasis/DRACUNCULIA SIS.html orm/mini_site/facts.html orm/mini_site/facts.html