2 Login to GMS (p. 5) Change Password (p. 6) Proposal/Grant Functions (p. 11) Proposal/Grant Information (p. 13) Check Required Software on Web Page (p. 3) SUMMARY Budget Functions (p. 15) Administrative Requests (p. 19) Various Reports available to PI (p. 20) GMS Main Menu (p. 8) Performance Report (p. 17) PI Program Management (p. 9)
4 ACCESSING THE GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The web address for the GMS is: Required Browsers: PC:Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Macintosh:Microsoft Internet Explorer Unix workstation: Netscape (used with the GMS application dowloaded from our website) Minimum Computer Requirements:See Information on the above web site Type or copy the web address into your browser and press the “Enter” key. First-time users should check the website to verify they have the recommended software to run the system. Choose “Download Applet” from the applicable platform. (Unix users should cd to the directory where the GMS was installed and execute gms/bin/GMS The login box will appear once the applet has been downloaded. Type your *username, select your institution, and type your password.
5 LOGIN TO GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GMS Web address is: Please note: If there are individuals with your last name at other institutions, you will need to highlight/select your institution before entering your password. PI passwords are obtained from the institutional Authorizing Official (AO) or AO Designee.
6 CHANGE PASSWORD (Recommended)
7 Prior to a user being able to access the GMS, each account must be enabled by the AO and a password established. You will be notified by your AO or AO designee that your account has been enabled and you will be given a password. You are strongly encouraged to change the password as soon as you log into the system. The password must contain at least two types of characters (alphabetic, numeric, or symbols). Also the password must be at least eight characters, and may not contain the account username, or the person's first or last names. Passwords are changed in this screen as follows: Select the “Account” menu Select “Set/Modify Password.” Insert the “New Password.” Repeat the password in the “Verify Password” block. If you decide not to set the password, select “Cancel” to return to the Main Menu. Please note that. *Please note that if there is more than one person in our system with the same username, the list of Institutions with that username will appear. Please select your institution name prior to typing in your password. CHANGE PASSWORD SCREEN
8 GMS MAIN MENU P. 13 P. 6 P. 9 P. 17 P. 20 P. 15 P. 19
10 “ PI PROGRAM MANAGEMENT FUNCTION The PI Program Management function allows the Program PI or Program Administrative PI to approve co-investigator budgets, accept program funding, and submit program instrument information. Only the Program Administrative PI can submit program instrument information and accept the funds approved for the program. While it is recommended that the PI approve of the requested Co-I funds, if the PI agrees, the AO or AO Designee may approve the co-investigator budgets. The following are the instructions for approving co-investigator budgets: Select the “Proposal/Grant” Menu. Select the “PI Program Management” function. Select the dropdown “Program” button. Programs that require approval of co-investigator budgets will be indicated with a “:” and the number of budgets waiting approval. Additionally, the PI should notify the AO or AO Designee that he/she is expecting co-investigator budgets for approval and give the program number. Select the appropriate program. Review the budgeted amounts listed. For each co-investigator, select the cell entitled “Approve,” and select “approve” or “reject” from the drop-down menu. When completed, select “Submit.” This action releases all of the co-investigator budgets into the ST ScI system for further processing. If a co-investigator budget is rejected, the PI should contact the Co-I to explain the reason for the rejection and recommend the funding level for the revised budget.
12 PROPOSAL/GRANT FUNCTIONS The Proposal/Grant functions are those that can be performed by all users with the appropriate privilege. The AO or AO Designee can reserve the privilege for submitting any of the documents so that they are checked for institutional compliance prior to submission to ST ScI. Step-by-step instructions are provided for approving and/or submitting the documents that traditionally are sent under the AO’s signature. Please note that functions which offer the “View/Print PDF” button must be “Saved” or “Submitted” prior to being able to view/print. The following is a brief description of each function. Please see the “HELP” section on-line for additional information.
14 PROPOSAL/GRANT INFORMATION SCREEN This screen is provided for the convenience of the grantee. It contains information specific to the Program/Grant, including the start and end dates for awarded grants, funds awarded, funds available, performance and financial report due dates, and payment information. This screen requires no interaction from the grantee since it is provided for information purposes only. Select this screen from the “Proposal/Grant” menu, then select “Proposal/ ` Grant Information.” Select the proposal or grant by the Grant/Proposal Number, Investigator name, Program Title, or Institutional ID number, from the dropdown lists provided. Please note one of these selections needs to be made to select the appropriate grant.
15 BUDGET EDITOR Click on the various tabs in the middle of the screen to enter budget information. A dynamically updated summary budget can be displayed simultaneously on the screen. After the budget is saved and/or submitted, a PDF version of the budget can be displayed and printed.
16 BUDGET EDITOR The Budget Editor is used to prepare original and revised budgets for proposals and awarded grants and for their submission electronically to ST ScI. The budget is completed by adding specific estimated costs for each of the tabbed items in the budget editor screen (i.e. salaries, travel, equipment, etc.). A previously saved budget may be retrieved and used like a template to prepare a new budget for a program. Within each tabbed item, a new line can be added to the budget by clicking on one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen. A dynamically updated summary budget is available by clicking on the appropriate button on the screen. The budget narrative can be completed within the budget form using ascii text or you may cut and paste text into the document if you have downloaded the applet with the JAVA plug-in or are running UNIX after having downloaded the application. Currently the GMS does not support Latex documents being used for the budget narrative, performance reports or other administrative requests. The AO and AO Designee may restrict the ability to submit budgets to ST ScI.
17 PERFORMANCE REPORT Enter the performance report directly on the screen or cut and paste ascii text into the document. See information on the web site about the cut and paste functionality.
18 PERFORMANCE REPORT FUNCTION The Interim Performance Report is normally prepared by the PI and may be submitted by the Principal Investigator if he/she has been given that authority (“privilege”). Internally, the Authorizing Official may want you to alert him/her that a performance report is in the system so that it can submitted or retrieved and printed for their records. Please note that only ASCII text may be pasted into the budget narrative section of the budget. The GMS does not currently support Latex or other special characters.
19 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUESTS Use the screens under Proposal/Grant functions to submit an administrative request such as a request to purchase equipment that was not in the approved budget or a request to extend the grant period, etc.
20 AVAILABLE REPORTS Various reports are available. The information can be sorted in a variety of ways and displayed on your screen or printed. The reports can also be cut and pasted into Excel spreadsheets.