8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Capacity Building to Support Regional Ocean Governance Dr. Janna Shackeroff Senior Fellow, Oceans Governance Institute for Advanced Sustainability Stuties, Potsdam 28 October 2015 CPPS Workshop on Integrated Maritime Policy For more information, please contact:
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Regional Ocean Governance Context Urgent need, ecologically, economically, socially for effective ocean management and governance To effectively conserve ocean systems, best practice suggests that we seek to manage: across multiple jurisdictions (transboundary), across multiple scales (local, sub-national, national, multinational), among multiple sectors, accounting for place-based context (culture, governance) Upswing in regional ocean governance. of many types Driving significant innovation in ocean governance, as well as in capacity building to support it.
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Capacity Building: Transformative Agendas Require Transformed Institutions Many, often conflicting uses of the term “capacity building” Human resource development: Process of equipping individuals with the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform effectively Organizational development: the elaboration of management structures, processes and procedures, not only within organizations but also the management of relationships between the different organizations and sectors (public, private, community) Institutional and legal framework development: Making legal and regulatory changes to enable organizations, institutions and agencies at all levels and in all sectors to enhance their capacities Source: The Urban Capacity Building Network Source: The Urban Capacity Building Network
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Capacity Building Design for Regional Governance
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Ocean ecosystem governance informs design of capacity building & technical assistance Diplomatic partnerships & support Policy assistance Technical working groups Training of trainers, curricula development, tool development Policy assistance Training of (i) practitioners, (ii) leaders & decision-makers, (iii) natl & sub-natl Training of trainers, curricula development, tool development Grants for demonstration projects Paired trainings across sector/scale Local learning/demonstration sites Small grants for demonstration projects Sources: Maps (CTI-CFF), Photos (J. Shackeroff)
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Sources: Maps (CTI-CFF), Photos (J. Shackeroff) Local National Coral Triangle Regional Regional Policy Framework CTI-CFF Technical Working Group Transboundary IUU Tabletop Exercises Essential EAFM w/ Bay of Bengal Essential EAFM for CT6 Natl Ministries EAFM LEAD Senior Officials Workshop Port State Measures Trainings Data Poor Stock Assessmt Training Fisheries Observer Program Tech. Asst. Ocean Acidification Ecol. Monitoring EAFM at Province, District Ministries Fish. Vulnerability Assessments EAFM Mgt. Planning in FMU Joint Threat Devpt Team: Sea Turtles
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Capacity Building Results from Local to Regional in the CTI-CFF 8 EBM Integrated Toolkit Strengthening Institutions Local National Regional
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Micronesia Challenge
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Micronesia Challenge Peer & Learning Networks Significance: Micronesian-led Three cooperating levels Set & communicate priorities Focal point for TA, CB (financing, etc.) Geographic replication Co-development of knowledge “Institutionalizing” knowledge Leaders Micronesians in Island Conservation (MIC) Conservation Practitioners Pacific Island Managed and Protected Area Community (PIMPAC) Communities Various, e.g., Conservation Societies (e.g., Conservation Society of Pohnpei, Palau Conservation Society) Photos: TNC, CSP
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Evolution of S&T needs across the Micronesia Challenge jurisdictions, as well as among them (10-15 years): On each topic (e.g., MPA Management Planning), the capacity building partnership activities typically evolve over time. This trajectory helps to leave lasting, regional capacity: S&T Support to the Micronesia Challenge Conserv’n Action Planning MPA Managem’t Planning Biophysical Monitoring Socioecon Monitoring Climate Change Adaptation Fisheries Managem’t Local Enforcem’t Types of engagement: Iterative local priority setting; training and/or technical assistance; co-development of tools/policies; large-scale and small- scale grants for local application. Networks replicate geographically and maintain, sustain capacity Over time, Micronesian jurisdiction’s ocean governance and management priority needs differentiated somewhat. Capacity building and technical assistance evolved to address these needs. Iterative Priority Setting Training TA with PIMPAC PIMPAC replicates training in Communities Grants, TA to support implement -ation Co-develop tools, policies Refine tools in each jurisdiction Support to local networks, champions
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Sources: PIMPAC, Micronesia Challenge, CTI-CFF Micronesia Challenge: Example of Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit September 2010 “writeshop” among local, traditional, regional & international experts Community-based toolkit, including illustrated flip-chart Community engagement across Micronesia, supported by grants and sustainable financing, Informed CTI-CFF regional climate change adaptation policy and re- illustrated and edited into the Coral Triangle’s Local Early Adaptation Planning toolkit
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Micronesia Challenge Capacity Building Signs of Success Strong evidence of policy and practice strengthened and MC goals met (“effectively conserve”) Shift towards local practitioners- experts leading capacity building (“Local Champions”) Strengthening regional institutions (e.g., establishment of global training center for local marine enforcement) Region to region technical exchange (Micronesia, Coral Triangle, Caribbean)
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Key Features for Consideration Established regional ocean governance initiative with published goals and objectives (common needs and priorities among partnering jurisdictions) Scientific & technical (S&T) partnership to support capacity needs, including: o Technical assistance to support innovation o Capacity building to equip institutions, leaders, & practitioners o Aligning capacity building to scale and dynamics of ocean ecosystem and governance system o Continuity and duration of engagement (~3+years) o Seeking to leave lasting, sustained capacity o Place-based context (culture, governance, regional diversity) o Meets region’s needs and those of each jurisdiction o Allows for evolving needs Partnerships (within region; global; S&T support organizations)
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Muchas Gracias! Thank you! Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. Berliner Straße 130 D – Potsdam Web: Dr. Janna Shackeroff Senior Fellow, Ocean Governance
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Essential elements for building ROG capacity Established ROG initiative with published goals and objectives (common needs and priorities among partnering jurisdictions) Scientific & technical (S&T) partnership to support capacity needs, including (a) innovation and (b) capacity building Process and approach to capacity building: Continuity and time (~3+ years) of capacity building Place-based context (culture, governance, regional diversity) Meets region’s needs and those of each jurisdiction Allows for evolving needs Leave lasting, sustained capacity in the jurisdictions’ and the region’s institutions Examples of S&T partnership and capacity building: o Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) o Micronesia Challenge o Wider Caribbean MPA managers network
8 November 2015 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Informal Seminar on the Development of a New IA for BBNJ Partner with regional, national, local institutions, within regional context towards sustainability, transformation, replicability Learning network coordination & engagement towards harmonization Capacity building, training of trainers, technical assistance towards technical support in science, policy, practice Place-based application Building capacity in Regional Ocean Governance initiatives