Pre-MATH More than Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office July 2009
Math concepts that adults understand may be very confusing to a young child, but pre-math activities are used in the LEARNING CENTERS, MUSIC, and GAMES.
MATH VOCABULARY Big & Little Long & Short High & Low Wide & Narrow First & Last Few & Many Highest & Lowest Bunch Once - Twice Pair
EARLY MATH PROGRAMS: l Should be HANDS ON l Filled with PLAY l Include EXPLORATION l ENVIRONMENT is an essential part of mathematics curriculum
SERIATION l SIZE Relationships l Putting things in size from Largest to Smallest Tallest to Shortest Lightest to Heaviest
SERIATION (cont.) l ACTIVITY: Take one piece of Shoe String Licorice and break into 4 pieces of different sizes. Put in order of Shortest to Longest Have 4 students come to the front of the room. Group them according to body height and then hair length. l What else is an example of SERIATION?
PATTERNS & CHANGE l Putting items in a certain, organized way l Repeating specific group l Growing patterns Draw attention to patterns in the real world (wallpaper, plants, etc.) THIS IS ALGEBRA!
SEQUENCING l The order of how things happen l What will happen first, middle and last
SEQUENCING (cont.) l Activity: l Everyone stand up. Count off = Stand at attention 2 = Arms straight out to side 3 = Clap hands above head 4 = Hands on waist Count and have every group do their movement - Do faster Do all 4 actions together l What else can you put in a SEQUENCE?
CLASSIFICATION- SORTING & MATCHING l Putting things that are alike together l Graphing various qualities of an object
CLASSIFICATION- SORTING & MATCHING l Activity: Graph types of shoes that the students are wearing (tie, slip-ons, sandals/flip-flops, other) M & M Math - give each “pair” of students one small package of M & M’s. “Split” that package between the pair Color an M&M graph Graph the correct square for the number of each color l What else can you SORT or MATCH?
MATH in BOOKS l Math concepts are taught in a variety of books l Math concepts include: counting, shapes, sizes, weight, one-to-one correspondence, etc. l Complete 2 Book Synopsis from books that have math concepts
MATH in SONGS & FINGER-PLAYS l What are some songs & finger- plays that deal with MATH concepts? l 5 Little Monkeys - 5 Little Ducks 5 Little Speckled Frogs
MATH in EVERY DAY LIFE l What are some examples of MATH concepts that are used in everyday life? l Math calculations Addition - Subtraction - Multiplication - Division Cooking - Time - Money - Square Footage - Fractions - Percents - etc.
ASSESSING MATH ABILITY Math skills can be assessed by OBSERVING the child and by watching the child SOLVE PROBLEMS.
MATH MANIPULATIVES l A MATH MANIPULATIVE is anything you can use as a counter l What can be used as a Math Manipulative? l Leaves - sea shells - toothpicks - rocks - buttons - macaroni - M & Ms - golf tees - peanuts - cotton balls - stickers … ANYTHING!
MATH SUN - Make math FUN! l Using crayons or markers, trace the number and do the following: l 1 = Red l 2 = Blue l 3 = Green l 4 = Orange l 5 = Yellow l 6 = Purple l 7 = Pink l 8 = Brown l 9 = Black l 10 = Your Favorite Color
Math & Technolgy Explore this website for virtual manipulatives of Algebra. Pick three favorite games, tell why, and how they could be used with the preschoolers.