Scientifically Researched-Based Interventions (SRBI) Curriculum Committee December 21, 2010
What is SRBI? Scientifically Researched-Based Interventions (SRBI) emphasize successful instruction for all students through high quality core general education practices, as well as targeted interventions for students experiencing learning, social-emotional or behavioral difficulties.
Core Principals Universal screening to identify struggling students (no more wait to fail) Increasingly intensive education interventions presented in tiers The use of researched-based curricula in all tiers
Core Principals Frequent performance monitoring of each child’s progress in each tier Data-based decision making when moving from tier to tier Fidelity of implementation
A Three Tiered Model Using a three tiered system of instruction, and monitoring of learning rates over time, practitioners can make informed data-driven decisions about educational progress and outcomes of each and every child in the school.
The Intervention Triangle
Tier 1 All Students Students Staff Curriculum Instruction Progress Monitoring Time Location Whole Class Mixed & Flexible Groups Classroom Teacher Common Standards- Based SRBI Differentiated Effective Teaching Strategies Formative Assessments Summative Benchmarks Universal Screening Gr K-5 LA 120 minutes Math 60 minutes Gr 6-8 LA 90 Minutes Math 45 Regular Education
Tier 2 Intensive (10-15%) Students Staff Curriculum Instruction Progress Monitoring Time Location Small Group (6-8) Grouped by same skill deficit (Homo- geneous) Classroom Teacher Specialist Instructional Aide, Para Or Tutor Supplements Core Tier 1 Program (8-20 weeks) SRBI procedures, programs and materials Implemented as designed Mini Assessments Matched to Intervention Given weekly Or biweekly 30-45 minute Sessions 3-4x per week Regular Education Lab Small tutorial space
Tier 3 Targeted (5%) Students Staff Curriculum Instruction Progress Monitoring Time Location Very small Group (2-3) Or Individual Grouped by same skill deficit Classroom Teacher Specialist Instructional Aide, Para or Tutor Supplements Core Tier 1 Program (8-20 weeks) SRBI Differentiated Effective Teaching Strategies Mini Assessments Matched to Intervention Given weekly or several times per week 60 minutes daily Or 2-30 minute daily sessions Lab Small Tutorial Space.
Improving Outcomes for ALL Students: Scientific Research Based Intervention (SRBI), Connecticut’s Framework for RTI.(2008). Ct: Author
What Resources are Needed to Understand and Successfully Implement SRBI?
Professional Development Matching the intervention to the student’s core deficit Progress Monitoring – graphing and charting the data Scheduling and creative use of personnel to deliver Intervention
Resources Identify and systematically purchase: efficient universal screening instruments efficient progress monitoring assessments researched based literacy and numeracy intervention materials (including software programs and manipulative based programs)