Kyrene School District
Meet Our Staff Special Preschool Special Education Preschool Teacher Teacher Mary Dulin B.A. Special Education ASU 1987 M.Ed. Learning and Instructional Technology ASU 1997 Speech/Language Pathologist Speech/Language Pathologist Cheryl Davis B.A. Elementary Education UN 1983 M.S. Clinical Speech Language Pathology NAU 2000 Instructional Assistants Instructional Assistants Cyna Stehr Nancy Laubham Mirada Preschool Staff Special Preschool Special Education Preschool Teacher Karen Lederman B.A. Education NAU 1982 Speech/Language Pathologist Cheryl Davis B.A. Elementary Education UN 1983 M.S. Clinical Speech Language Pathology NAU 2000 Instructional Assistants Instructional Assistants Vera Baumgartner Any Becker
District Specialists Director of Special Education Shari Dukes Lead Preschool Teacher Lori Conroy Administrative Assistant Becky Lugo Occupational Therapist Allison Mascari Physical Therapist Marcia Weinhauer Assistive Technology Specialist Susan Swanson Janet Fukuda
Program Description We are a language based, integrated program including children ages 3-5 who have differing abilities We provide early intervention services to children who have developmental delays and school readiness skills for all children. We provide a structured preschool experience and prepare students for school.
Program Philosophy ¤ young children learn best through play activities ¤ these playactivities need to be appropriate to the child’s DEVELOPMENTAL level, not necessarily the child’s AGE level ¤ these play activities need to be appropriate to the child’s DEVELOPMENTAL level, not necessarily the child’s AGE level ¤ learning is maximized when children are given the opportunity to make choices AND are provided with some adult directed activities
Program Philosophy ¤ children learn by imitation, therefore “typical” peers are an integral part of the program ¤ learning is enhanced when children can predict expectations, therefore the program utilizes a structured routine ¤ the curriculum areas addressed in the program are social, language, cognitive, fine and gross motor, and self-help skills
Typical Daily Schedule Opening Opening Child directed Play (1 hour) Child directed Play (1 hour) Small Groups Small Groups Circle Circle Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Gross Motor Play Gross Motor Play Snack Snack Closing Closing
Preschool Curriculum Teaching Gold State Mandated Assessment tool 36 Goals plus sub objectives Assessment completed three times a year One baseline Two parent reports Drives curriculum and activities
Phonemic Awareness Help children build a foundation for reading. Activities include: Playing with sounds Rhyming Segment words Break words into syllables Identify beginning sounds Recognize /produce words with same sound Change beginning or ending sounds orally to make new words
Number Sense Many of our activities build upon number sense and early number concepts to help your child become ready to complete math tasks in elementary school. These activities include: Dice games Comparing numbers and amounts Counting Playing one more than one less than games
Daily Schedule
Activities for Learning Block Center Art Center Games and Puzzles Book Center Manipulative/Math Center Science/Nature Center Dramatic Play Center Computer Center Writing Center Phonological Awareness Cooking Music Circle Time Free Play Snack Outside Play Sensory Activities Library Dramatic Play Reading Buddies Assemblies
Pick A Place To Play
Speech/Language Services Language activities done whole group Small groups working on specific speech sounds Consults with preschool staff on ways to implements speech and language goals. Collects language samples during play time Facilitates peer interactions and expressive language
Assessment Assessment is on-going and can be conducted in large or small groups, as well as individually. Informal observations Checklists Anecdotal Records Language Samples Teaching Gold Assessment Standardized Tests Criterion- Referenced Tests
Parent/Teacher Communication Newsletter Super Stars Skills or Teaching Gold Report Phone Conferences, Home Visits or Family Nights
Role of Typical Peer Provide appropriate models for speech and language, behavior, etc. Develop friendships and love of learning Participate cooperatively in a variety of pre-academic activities during which they experience many opportunities for personal growth
What’s In A Wednesday?!? Home visits as needed for children with special needs Home visits as needed for children with special needs Department of Education Trainings Department of Education Trainings Placement meetings Placement meetings Progress reviews Progress reviews Staff development Staff development Team Planning Team Planning District team meetings District team meetings Transition meetings with kindergarten staff Transition meetings with kindergarten staff
Impact on Elementary Schools Provides children and families with a positive first experience in school Prepares children for their kindergarten experience Creates a smooth transition from preschool to kindergarten. Transition plans begin in January of each year for children with different needs. Because not all elementary schools have preschool programs, the district is divided into preschool regions. Children are usually serviced at their home school or the school closest to their home school.
PTO First Meeting of the Year: to be announced Free Childcare is Provided What is the PTO? Parent Teacher Organization PTO supports School Events, Organizes Fundraisers, Plans Community Nights and supports the teachers with supplies, materials and funds professional development opportunities. Dad’s Club
Ways to Support Preschool Program Tax Credit donation See link on district web page Volunteer Guest reader Preparation work (i.e. super stars) Donation of requested items wish list helping hands board newsletter
Mirada Mission Statement Inspiring Academic Excellence While Celebrating Strengths, Developing Leaders, and Honoring Diversity