© 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Living System Ministry The Process of the Gospel A Tool to Help Us Enter into Effective Ministry
A relational tool Relationships are one of the primary ways God goes about his work. Fruitful ministry can flow through genuine relationships, it is rarely accomplished through programs. The Process of the Gospel creates a relational foundation for effective ministry. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
How does God do it? God’s work of redemption requires that his message be planted among us, and that it grows to bear fruit. This flows out of a relationship he establishes with us. How does God do that? What actions does he use? What is the PROCESS God used to bring us the GOSPEL? © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
What God did God observed his fallen creation. Our sin condemned us to death. Because he loves us (positive appreciation), he sent his Son. Jesus communicated relevantly through his parables and teaching. He met our perceived needs with miracles, as he meets our needs today. He met our basic need through the atoning work of his death and resurrection. Finally, he prepared his disciples for his leaving, laying the groundwork for the multiplication of his Kingdom through his Church. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
Six stages © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
An archetype Definition: A process that follows an enduring, stable pattern that transcends time and space The Process of the Gospel is an archetype. It can be used with: Individuals and families Groups and communities Entire cities The poor and the rich Teenagers and grandmothers People in China and people in Uganda © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
Warning This is a process, not a 6-step program! If you approach this mechanistically, you will be missing the point entirely. Rather, allow this process to become an integral part of who you are! © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
Procedure vs. process © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Procedure: People-driven Isolated, systematic steps we need to do in order to complete a task The goal is to complete a task! Process: Driven by large, complex systems A series of interdependent actions directed to some end The goal is to see transformation!
For example In order to grow tomatoes, we work within the rules and powerful forces that already exist in the environment (weather, pests, nutrients in the soil, etc.). We might follow certain procedures for growing tomatoes, but the actual process is complex. The result is really up to God. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” It’s not about how well we follow the steps. It’s about how well we work within the complex and interrelated design of living systems. In the end, God will get the glory for all he has done! © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center