3 Things we Need to Understand 1. We have a purpose 2. Fulfilling the purpose will not be easy 3. If we are going to fulfill that purpose, it must be important to us
The Ministry of Discipleship I. Discipleship is a Command from God v “Power” v “Go” v “Teach”
The Ministry of Discipleship II. Discipleship Leads People to a Deeper Relationship with Christ --- “baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost” v. 19 -An act of obedience -An act of association
The Ministry of Discipleship III. Discipleship is a Never Ending Process “It is better to train ten people than to do the work of ten people. But it is harder.” --- D.L. Moody 1. Discipleship takes a real commitment to work 2. Discipleship is a never fully completed
The Ministry of Discipleship IV. Discipleship Involves God in Our Ministry and Church --- “and lo, I will be with you always” v. 20