WORLD OF WORK 2 Asma Fares H Halima Darwish H
Companies Ministry of Education Ta’sheel ( Ministry of labor)
Introduction responsible for education. It offers manual teaching and learning and online customer services. Ministry Of Education provides Ministry of Labour services, transactions for institutions and government departments. Tas’heel
Goals Tas’heel - Simplify all labor related processes - Improve output volume and increase efficiency. Ministry of Education Prepare Student in education system for a producti ve life
Comparison government systems working hours Job security
Contrast Ministry of Education Tas’heel Low salarymore bonuses Don’t need to work at home High salaryNo bonuses
Company Structure [ Ministry of Education ]
Company Structure [ Tas’heel ]
Career Path [ promotion ] Ministry Of Education High chances of promotions Tas’heel Lower chances of promotion.
Career Path [work available] Teachers Ministry of education Data entry operator (typist) Tas’heel
Opportunities for work experience teaching career limited for people with a specific college degree Tas’heel Not limited people with a lower degree variations of tasks differ
Recruitment Policies 100% Emiratization. all staff working at the front desks of the Tas’heel service centers must be UAE citizens. not necessary to be local to get a job in the ministry. Trying to rise the percentage of emirate teacher.
References: Tasheel System. (2011). What is Tasheel. Retrieved from WAM (2012). Tas’heel service centres nationalized. Gulfnews. Retrieved from heel-service-centres-nationalised heel-service-centres-nationalised