A Review of the 4 th and the 8 th development plans With literature review about development plans failures
Outline Introduction ▫Background 4 th Development Plan Objectives Challenges 8 th Development Plan Objectives Analysis ▫Why do plans fail ? How to achieve those plans (recommendations)
Introduction Saudi National development plans are master plans made by the ministry of economy and planning on an implementation period of 5 years. They cover different aspects including: Economy, Housing, Education, Transportation, Infrastructure, Education and other aspects.
Introduction The kingdom first established a planning agency in In 1965 planning was formalized in the Central Planning Organization In 1975 the planning organization became the ministry of planning. Which was later transferred to the ministry of economy and planning.
4 th Development Plan Objectives Challenges
4 th Development Plan It took place from 1985 until 1990 The 4 th development plan included new objectives that weren't in the 3 rd plan.
4 th Development Plan Objectives: ▫Decrease of reliance on oil as the only income ▫Creating a more diversified economy by focusing on Agricultural and Industrial activities. ▫Completion of developing the infrastructure of the country. ▫To develop mineral resources
4 th Development Plan The 4 th development plan faced some challenges in implementation: ▫Due to Decrease in the price of oil. ▫Which decreased the oil income of the kingdom to 1/3 rd ▫Which cause a fall in the expenditures ▫Also the fluctuations in the private sector
8 th Development Plan Objectives Challenges
8 th Development Plan The eighth development plan came in with a new vision It was designed to satisfy economical developments the country is going through On of the main challenges was the kingdom joining the world trade organization.
8 th Development Plan The plan was developed under the demand for a rise the level of services. One of the new objectives addressed in this development plan was women rights
8 th Development Plan Main Goals and Objectives: ▫To improve the living quality by accelerating the development process. ▫To diversify the economy ▫To improve national economy and prepare it to change. ▫To enhance private sectors participation. ▫To achieve balance in development throughout the kingdom ▫To protect the environment and insure a sustainable development.
Why do plans fail ? Not having the proper policies to guide the implementation process. Weak institutional frame work. Lack of coordination. Inadequate awareness programs
Why do plans fail ? Lack of provision on the implementation tools Insufficient funding which leads to delay in some projects. Externalities ( private sectors)
How to achieve those plans By Rationalizing the institutional framework. Streamlining legal provision to the nature of the plan Developing institutionalized coordination mechanism.
How to achieve those plans Adoption of a strategy to prioritize the proposal and implementation framework. Revising the laws and policies of implementation. Choosing the appropriate time-frame to work within. And finally meeting those work-frames on the right time-frame to reach implementation.
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