August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting IFTA, Inc. Strategic Plan (Release 6) Trent Knoles (IL) and Joy Prenger (MO) IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting From 1997 through 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting 1.Developed all committee charters 2.Combined the IFTA and IRP Audit Workshops 3.Developed a financial plan and policies for IFTA, Inc. 4.Recodified the IFTA Governing Documents 5.Developed administrative procedures for the Dispute Resolution Process. 6.Developed the IFTA, Inc. Clearinghouse 7.Completed the legislation and state constitutional provisions project with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) 1997 Plan (Release 1)
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting 1.Hired a webmaster 2.Adopted by ballot: The principles of the NCSL report Changes in the ballot process Made CBI commentary binding 3.Developed Salary Ranges and Performance Evaluation Process for IFTA, Inc. 4.Conducted long range financial plan 5.Revised the Annual Report Process 1999 Plan (Release 2)
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting 1.Had first security audit of the Clearinghouse completed 2.Developed succession plan for IFTA, Inc. 3.Regular meetings regarding NAFTA 4.Pilot combined IFTA/IRP Managers Workshop 2002 Plan (Release 3)
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting 1.Established the ITAC 2.Completed Data Upload testing and Funds Netting testing. 3.Complete IFTA, Inc. website redesign 4.Created an IFTA, Inc. contingency plan for business disruption 5.Developed a proposal for a single dues structure to include both membership dues and Clearinghouse Fees 6.Revised the Dispute Resolution Process and added penalties Plan (Release 4)
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting 1.Full Implementation of Funds Netting 2.The ITAC completed the charge from the Board to identify, review and analyze GPS and other electronic positioning systems. 3.Made the Managers and Law Enforcement Workshop a combined Workshop with IRP. 4.Tested the possibility of combining program compliance and peer reviews with IRP. 5.Developed the e-review program for IFTA 2008 Plan (Release 5)
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting 6.Developed connectivity with NLETS to share information roadside. 7.Created a best practices guide for committee chairs, a commissioners guide and a new board member orientation guide Plan
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Setting our Goals with a Focus on the Future Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Our Strategic Planning Process Updated the history of IFTA and IFTA, Inc. accomplishments Completed analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Identified future challenges Developed Goals and the Objectives to meet those Goals Developed Action Plans to meet the Objectives
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Goal 1 Use IFTA, Inc. financial resources efficiently and effectively. Objectives: – Consider the best use of investment funds – Evaluate real estate value and cost effectiveness of property ownership
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Examples of action items to achieve the objectives and meet the goal: Research member jurisdiction projects that perhaps could be funded with IFTA, Inc. investments. Determine Fair Market Value of property, investigate costs of rental and ownership to compare to costs of working remotely.
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Goal 2 Continuously improve IFTA, Inc.’s business operations Objectives: – Maintain a knowledgeable and professional staff
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Examples of action items to achieve the objectives and meet the goal: Provide continued training and education for employees. Develop succession plans for all employees Ensure a diverse Board to steer the corporation most effectively
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Goal 3 Continuously improve communication with member jurisdictions Objectives: – Provide Training – Enhance confidence and trust among member jurisdictions – Enhance communications between the Board and the member jurisdictions
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Examples of action items to achieve the objectives and meet the goal: Provide administrative training Identify and recommend opportunities to promote and improve membership compliance Analyze the Dispute Resolution Process to be sure it is open and fair to all parties involved
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Goal 4 Assess and use appropriate technology Objectives: – Provide services to member jurisdictions – Ensure current technologies are continuously used at IFTA, Inc. – Continue to protect the security and confidentiality of jurisdiction’s taxpayer information.
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Examples of action items to achieve the objectives and meet the goal: Analyze the issues surrounding the issuance of electronic credentials and determine if a uniform distribution method can be developed for all member jurisdictions Develop and implement useful IFTA applications for mobile devices
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting This goal will focus on IFTA, Inc.’s relationships with partners and stakeholders and how we can continue to work together to combine projects or meetings and to collaborate and share information with other organizations when deemed appropriate. – Stay tuned for further developments. Goal 5
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting This is just a glimpse of the directions in which we are heading. This is a living document that will change as we begin working on our initial projects. Objectives and action plans will be added. And, as always, we’ll be looking for volunteers to assist us in projects or on working groups!
August 12-13San Antonio, Texas 2015 Annual Business Meeting Ask Away!