Building a case for Analytics at MOL Stela Lupushor November 4 th, 2015
Conclusions from this morning? The workforce is… …Increasingly global, multigenerational, female and on-the-go … Educated & overqualified, yet unevenly prepared for the jobs of tomorrow … Increasingly contingent … Driven more by a bigger mission than loyalty to a company... In the driver seat, especially those with highly sought after skills Is HR ready to deal with this complexity?
How can we prepare and thrive in this future? Rethinking workforce planning through the use of analytics might be the answer
What is Workforce Planning? And Where does it start? Budget Planning Headcount Planning Hiring Skills and Capabilities Planning Skills and Capabilities Development
Workforce planning starts with understanding the context Macro Industry Organization Workforce Demographic shifts Geopolitical and economic environment Regulatory and Risk context Competitive landscape New norms Disruptors (technology, business models, distribution channels) Business Strategy Products and offerings strategy Market strategy Skills and Capabilities Workforce dynamics trends Outcomes (productivity, engagement etc.)
Why Plan? To impact organizational outcomes Reduce regrettable attrition Increase the quality of hires Reduce “time to productivity” and increase productivity Improve engagement Maintain or improve diversity Utilize the workspace effectively Reduce risks (leadership succession, employee and labor relations, business continuity, employment brand image) Reduce waste (first year attrition) Reduce effort on replacement hires vs. net new hires … and you need data to understand how you’re doing
The real cost of bad planning Unhealthy and costly attrition Employer brand damage Inability to deliver on business results or execute major initiatives Poor real estate and space planning Dilution of culture Hampered productivity and heightened risk when infrastructure and support functions can’t scale
Planning is about balancing the short and long term needs Inflows Outflows Mobility Affordability Skills needs Development to close gaps Linkage to Business Outcomes Sustainable Business Model In the short term Managing workforce vitality… … while planning for the long term Understanding role & skill needs, gaps, & strategies to close the gaps …to impact the business Linking to business indicators & outcomes
Analytics and good data: The foundation of good Workforce Planning Build the foundation Understand Workforce dynamics Connect to workforce drivers of business success Develop a strong Employer Brand Technology Data Definitions Visualizations Governance Change management Workforce datasets: -HRIS -Talent Acquisition -Finance -Space Business datasets: -Sales -Customer Satisfaction -Productivity -Revenue Context datasets: -Voice of the workforce -External sentiment -Risks How many people will I have by year end? How does hiring impact diversity? How does turnover impact the bottom line? What are top performer characteristics? Which have the highest impact on customer satisfaction? What human capital levers impact profitability? How does the “voice of the workforce” impact our external brand? How can we amplify the brand through advocates and influencers? How we proactively mitigate the external risks?
How does it all come together? Analytics for the masses (repeatable, self-service, automated, controlled) Talent Science (Deep dives, advanced, experimental) Governance and Support (Support model, data governance and quality, project management, change management, consulting, tools admin, inquiry management) HR Topics and Dashboards Basic Analysis Custom Visualizations, Advanced analysis, New datasets Data Sources (HR, financial, real estate, procurement, customer relationship management, resource management, sales, social etc.) High quality foundational data about workforce and HR processes New types of data
Now let’s write your story …
Where do you start? Technology and Clean data Skills and Alliances Governance and Standards Change and Impact ContextCustomers Business questions Work products
Contact information Stela Lupushor