Chemical Engineering Ethan Vinante, Christian Fiedler
Engineering Chemical Engineering Converts raw material into a useful form Work on more fields than just chemicals develop solutions to environmental problems, such as pollution control and remediation
Thermodynamics studies radiation, heat, work, and effects on material bodies linked to the study of energy transfers in chemical processes
Thermodynamics Project Lee Groeneweg created AC system Had to watch for ecological effects, fuel used, and other factors
Textile Manufacturing Textile manufacturing is based on making many types of fibers into yarn or string then fabric then into textiles. The textiles are changed into clothing or into other textile products. Cotton is the most important natural fiber, so it is treated in depth Cotton is considered the world’s most important natural fiber. In 2007 the world produced 25 million tons of cotton.
TM Project A project in textile manufacturing is the creation of the cotton gin, by Eli Whitney. The cotton gin removes unwanted “trash” from the cotton fiber.