The Spirit of Reform By Victoria Woodruff & Kenzie Coulthard
Theodore Roosevelt How did President Roosevelt try to balance the needs of both business and labor? How did President Roosevelt try to balance the needs of both business and labor? What did Roosevelt do to regulate businesses and railroads? What did Roosevelt do to regulate businesses and railroads? Why did Roosevelt and others contribute to the conservation movement? Why did Roosevelt and others contribute to the conservation movement? How old was Roosevelt when he became president? How old was Roosevelt when he became president?
Theodore Roosevelt Hometown: New York City Hometown: New York City Born: October 28 th 1858 Born: October 28 th 1858 Presidency: Presidency: Death: January 6 th 1919 (Died in sleep at Sagamore Hill of arterial blood clot age 60 ) Death: January 6 th 1919 (Died in sleep at Sagamore Hill of arterial blood clot age 60 )
Roosevelt (ct.) Attended Harvard College Attended Harvard College Before presidency: Before presidency: New York Assembly (youngest man to be elected for the assembly) New York Assembly (youngest man to be elected for the assembly) Age at Inauguration: 42 Age at Inauguration: 42 After presidency: After presidency: Back to politics Back to politics
Accomplishments (During Presidency) Square Deal Square Deal (Plan for government to treat everyone fairly.) (Plan for government to treat everyone fairly.) National Park Service National Park Service (Supervised the national parks and monuments.) (Supervised the national parks and monuments.) Pure Food and Drug Act Pure Food and Drug Act (Banned the manufacture, sale, or transportation of mislabeled food and drugs.) (Banned the manufacture, sale, or transportation of mislabeled food and drugs.) He brought managers and strikers of the Pennsylvania coal miners’ strike of 1902 together for an arbitration. (formal meeting to talk about and settle disagreements) He brought managers and strikers of the Pennsylvania coal miners’ strike of 1902 together for an arbitration. (formal meeting to talk about and settle disagreements)
Balancing Act Roosevelt regulates business Roosevelt regulates business Sherman Anti Trust Act Sherman Anti Trust Act “Trust Buster” “Trust Buster” Roosevelt helps the common man Roosevelt helps the common man Passes and creates the Square Deal Passes and creates the Square Deal Everyone to be treated equally Everyone to be treated equally
Accomplishments Established national parks Established national parks National Monuments National Monuments Devils Tower Devils Tower Grand Canyon Grand Canyon Mount Olympus Mount Olympus Muirwoods Muirwoods Noble Peace Prize Noble Peace Prize Favored the Conservation (protection of nature) Favored the Conservation (protection of nature)
William Howard Taft How was William Howard Taft’s administration similar to and different from Roosevelt’s administration? How was William Howard Taft’s administration similar to and different from Roosevelt’s administration? Why did progressives turn against President Taft in the 1912 election? Why did progressives turn against President Taft in the 1912 election? What events took place during the election of 1912? What events took place during the election of 1912? Why do you think that Taft felt he had to support Ballinger? Why do you think that Taft felt he had to support Ballinger?
William Howard Taft Hometown: Cincinatti, Ohio Hometown: Cincinatti, Ohio Presidency: Presidency: Yale University & Cincinatti Law School Yale University & Cincinatti Law School
Accomplishments Dollar Diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy (Use Military + Diplomacy to promote US business interests overseas) (Use Military + Diplomacy to promote US business interests overseas) The Payne-Aldrich Tariff was passed. It lowered many tariffs but raised others. Both Democrats & Republicans criticized it. The Payne-Aldrich Tariff was passed. It lowered many tariffs but raised others. Both Democrats & Republicans criticized it. Sixth Amendment passed. Sixth Amendment passed.
Before/After Presidency Other Occupations: Other Occupations: Assistant Prosecutor Assistant Prosecutor Judge (Ohio Supreme Court) Judge (Ohio Supreme Court) U.S. Soldier General U.S. Soldier General U.S. Circuit Course Judge U.S. Circuit Course Judge Governor of Philippines Governor of Philippines Secretary of War Secretary of War After Presidency: After Presidency: Professor of Law at Yale Professor of Law at Yale Many books published Many books published
During Wilson’s Presidency Underwood Tariff Act Underwood Tariff Act (Led to he lowest tariff rating in many years) (Led to he lowest tariff rating in many years) Sixteenth Amendment passed Sixteenth Amendment passed (Allowed the federal government to pass a tax on people’s incomes) (Allowed the federal government to pass a tax on people’s incomes) Federal Reserve Act Federal Reserve Act (Created a national banking system) (Created a national banking system) Clayton Antitrust Act Clayton Antitrust Act (Made federal laws against monopolies stronger) (Made federal laws against monopolies stronger)