by Carter Weist
Veteran’s Day is a day that honors those men and women who have served their country in the United States Armed Forces. November 11 is the day these special people are honored. In the United States, people remember Veteran’s Day with celebrations, parades, speeches, and special services. It is a day to honor all the veterans who have served the United States.
To honor a veteran, you are to write a letter to tell them why you are thankful for them using the main idea clues that you discover. What reasons do you have to be thankful? Have fun finding out about these amazing men and women who have faithfully served our country!
1. Listen to the national anthem; read the lyrics, and look at the pictures in the video by clicking on the blue link.
1. Underline the main idea that fits with the details. Veterans fought to protect the United States flag. We honor how our veterans fought for us by honoring the flag. The flag is the focus of the National Anthem because it tells why it was so important that veterans fought for our country. A.Veterans sacrificed their lives at home to fight for our country. B. Veterans served from ALL branches of the US services C. Veterans fought for our freedom.
1. Click on the link:
2. Underline the main idea that fits with the details. Veterans are from 5 branches of the US armed forces. Veterans are from the army, navy, air force, marines, and the coast guard. Veterans did different jobs in each branch of the US services. A.Veterans sacrificed their lives at home to fight for our country. B. Veterans served from ALL branches of the US services C. Veterans fought for our freedom.
1. Click on this site: _teacher_guide.pdf and scroll down to page 17 and read. 2. Click: country _teacher_guide.pdf country
3. Underline the main idea that fits with the details. Twenty-two million (22,000,000) veterans have served our country by sacrificing their lives. Veterans leave their families to sacrifice for our country. 1.2 million Americans have lost their lives serving our country. A.Veterans sacrificed their lives at home to fight for our country. B. Veterans served from ALL branches of the US services C. Veterans fought for our freedom.
Write a letter to a veteran to thank them using your main idea clues. What are some other things you can thank your veteran for? You may provide your answer in an illustration. veteran letter.docx
Rubric - Letter to a Veteran ScoreMinimal 0-1 Adequate 2 Exceptional 3Out of 9 Main Idea Student produces a one -word response. Student produces the main idea as a fragment. Student produces the main idea as a complete sentence. DetailsStudent only provides 2 basic details to support the main idea. Student provides 3 basic details to support the main idea. Student produces 3 or more details to support the main idea. Personal reflection Student does not have a reflective comment to share. Student expands on topic with 1 comment. Student expands on topic with 2-3 comments.
So, now you know how veterans from all branches of service have sacrificed and fought for our country and our deserving of our thankfulness.