WAC,WAVE, SPAR, Nurse Corps Bezawit woldeyohannes
WAVE ●WAVES was established on 30 July 1942 as a World War II division of the United States Naval Reserve, that consisted entirely of women. On 12 June 1948, women gained permanent status in the armed services of the United States. The name was an acronym for "Women Accepted for Volunteer EmergencyWorld War II United States Naval Reserve
SPAR SPARS or SPARs was the nickname for the United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve, created 23 November 1942 with the signing of Public Law 773 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The name is the contraction of the Coast Guard motto: Semper Paratus and its English translation, Always Ready. The name also refers to a spar in nautical usage. Like the other women's reserves, such as the Women's Army Corps and the WAVES, SPARS was created to free men from stateside service in order to fight overseas.UnitedStates Coast GuardFranklin Delano RooseveltsparWomen's Army CorpsWAVES
Nurse Corps ●more than 59,000 American nurses served in the Army Nurse Corps during World War II. Nurses worked closer to the front lines than they ever had before. Within the "chain of evacuation" established by the Army Medical Department during the war, nurses served under fire in field hospitals and evacuate nurses on medical transport planes.
Nurses in WWII ●During World War II ( ) nearly sixty thousand American nurses served in the Army Nurse Corps (ANC). Whether stationed in Europe or in the Pacific, they risked their lives daily, working on or near the front lines; on land, sea, and air transport vehicles; and in field hospitals.
Nurse and Veteran ●Joy Bright Hancock, a veteran of both the First and Second World Wars, was one of the first women officers of the United States Navy. ●Born: May 4, 1898, Wildwood, NJBorn Wildwood, NJ ● Died: August 20, 1986, Bethesda, M D Died Bethesda, M D
WAC,WAVE,SPAR,NURSE ●During World War II, the U.S. military faced a shortage of personnel that forced the services to enlist women. All branches of the armed forces eventually created women's corps, and more than 275,000 women served in these organizations.