data,information Data and Information 4 Data –Raw, unorganised facts –Ideas or concepts 4 Information –When data is manipulated into a meaningful form –Used to assist in decision making –Information presented in two forms Hard copy or soft copy
data,information Data and Information 4 Information, contd 4 Digital information output not designed to be printed, thus format & presentation are different 4 Digital information formatted so best viewed on screen 4 Also can produce information not suited to hard copy, eg. digital files, DVDs, etc. 4 Output, end production of a solution 4 Solution, a method of solving a problem
data,information Purposes of Information 4 Inform –Convey facts, like reporting on issue 4 Persuade –Influence a decision or change a point of view 4 Entertain –Engage in a activity in a pleasing or amusing way 4 Educate –Provide knowledge & skills to use that knowledge
data,information Types of data 4 Integer data types –A finite subset of numbers without a fractional or decimal component; used to represent whole numbers 4 Floating point numbers –Too small or big to be given as integers –Represented as decimal numbers 4 Character data types –Includes alphanumerical text, eg. letters, nos., spaces, symbols –Character variable holds a single letter, no. or symbol –Used in character fields not used in mathematical calculations, such as names, telephone nos., postcodes
data,information Types of data 4 String data types –A series of symbols or values, such as a character string (a sequence of characters) or a binary string (a sequence of binary values; –phone nos. postcodes, are strings that include numbers. –String data types require less memory.