BC Ringette CSI Ringette Skills
2 Ringette Skills (80 MIN) Rationale: Providing players with the technical, tactical, psychological, and physical preparation that is appropriate for their growth and development stage is one of the functions of the coach.
2 Ringette Skills Objectives: To know how to develop fundamental skills (skating, ring, goalkeeper, psychological, and physical) in a fun, safe, participation-based environment that promotes self-confidence. To use the Ringette Canada Skills Matrix by LTAD Stage and Ringette Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development Framework Document to identify the goalkeeping, ring, skating, and psychological skills as well as the physical abilities, required to play ringette at the FUNdamentals and Learn to Train stages. To identify a logical sequence for developing those skills during the season.
What is in 2 on 2 ? Bayshore Hotel
Canadian Hockey Association National Coaching Certification Program Skill Development Pyramid Technical Skills Individual Tactics Team TacticsTeam Play Systems Strategy Go to Principles
Skill Analysis
Phases for a Skill Preparation Backswing ? Force Production (Prin. 1 and 2) Critical Instant Follow thorugh
PRINCIPLE STABILITY Check the base of support and the centre of gravity
PRINCIPLE SUMMATION OF JOINT FORCES Use all the joints that can be used PRINCIPLE CONTINUITY OF JOINT FORCES Use every joint in order, from the midline out, largest to smallest
Technical Tactical Team Task: Use the Phases of Skill Analysis Preparation Back Swing / Recovery Force Production Critical Instant Follow Through or Continuation to break down lets go back to the skills in video
Technical Tactical Team Show PRHA Videos
BC Ringette CSI Error Correction Teaching Whole Part Whole Or Checking for Prelim. Moments CI – Practice Coaching - liversidge
2 Ringette Skills Build a solid foundation in the fundamentals of: Technical Preparation Tactical Preparation Psychological Preparation Physical Preparation
2 Ringette Skills Coaches: long-term athlete development (LTAD) is important, for example: In CSI, most players are at the FUNdamentals or the Learning to Train LTAD stages. –The FUNdamentals stage is a critical stage for the development of physical literacy, and it is during this stage that the foundations of many advanced skills are laid down. –In the Learning to Train stage, players learn the basics of ringette and begin to play formal games.
2 Ringette Skills We will introduce you to the Ringette Canada Skills Matrix and the Ringette LTAD Framework: The Ringette Canada Skills Matrix by LTAD Stage uses Ringette Canada’s LTAD Framework Document to identify what skills to introduce when and what stage of progression (initiation, acquisition, consolidation, or refinement) players in the different LTAD stages should strive for. We’ll use these two resources to determine the skills and techniques to teach players.
Do the Humdinger Activity Technical Skills: Goalkeeper, Skating and Ring Skills Use the skills matrix for part a Use the Ringette Development Model for parts b and c 2 Ringette Skills: Technical
Tactics: Identify then check the reference What can you do offensively in 1v1’s? What do you have to do defensively in 1v1’s? What can you do offensively in 2v1’s? (What can the non-ring carrier do to help create opportunities to score?) 2 Ringette Skills: Tactical
: 2 Ringette Skills: Tactical Tactics: Use your rink diagrams from your toolkit to show how your players will attack Each group is assigned a situation to start play after a whistle: i) A centre free pass, ii) An offensive free pass, iii) A defensive free pass and iv) A goalkeeper ring. What will the players do, how will they move, why? Draw their original positions, their movement, tell why.
2 Ringette Skills: Tactical Tactics: Trade your plan with another group and decide how your players will defend their plan How will you defend against their: i) centre free pass or, ii) offensive free pass or, iii) defensive free pass or, iv) goalkeeper ring. What will your players do, how will they move, why? Draw the defense’s original positions and their movement and tell why.
Practice Coaching 4 links in Teaching a skill Select the Skill.. LTDM Explanation / Demonstration Progressive practice Provide Feedback CI – Practice Coaching - liversidge
BC Ringette CSI Dr. Smoll, a sport psychologist in Washington State suggested coaches need to learn a feedback sandwich. A positive statement, a constructive statement, and a positive statement. For example “Johnny, Great effort! Remember you need to follow through a bit more with the stick. Now keep that same great effort.” Dr. Smoll did a famous study where he taught half of the coaches in the baseball league how to use his feedback sandwich while the other half were left on their own. He found that the players who participated with better communicating coaches were more likely to play past the age of 17. His results were staggering … CI – Practice Coaching - liversidge
2 Ringette Skills: Psychological Using your skills matrix as you did in the Technical skills, list 2-3 activities you would work on with your players to help them improve each skill. Complete the chart for psychological skills.
2 Ringette Skills: Psychological Help players learn from mistakes; identify questions to ask players after they made a mistake to help them learn from their mistake and to have a tactic to continue to learn from mistakes.
2 Ringette Skills: Psychological What skills do players need to be good team players? What can you add to your program both on and off the ice to promote strong team play and build a positive, inclusive team environment?
2 Ringette Skills: Physical What activities could you incorporate into your practices or off-ice sessions to improve your players’ ABCs, otherwise known as motor abilities?
2 Ringette Skills: Physical List below some components of a proper warm-up and cool-down. Why is each component needed?
2 Ringette Skills: Physical Read the reference material on warm-ups and cool-downs and modify your answer to as needed.
2 Ringette Skills: Physical 2.4.4Suggest two or three steps involving your players and their parents for promoting healthy eating habits among players.
2 Ringette Skills: Deciding when to Emphasize a Skill 2.5 With a partner, use the Ringette Canada Skills Matrix by LTAD Stages to determine when during the season you would emphasize the goalkeeping, ring, skating, and psychological skills listed in the table below. Assign three of each type of skill to the beginning of the season, three to the middle of the season, and three to near the end of the season. (Nothing new 3 weeks before the key games at the end of the season.)
BC Ringette CSI Teach the Skill do not Teach the Drill
The Bigger Picture Ericsson / Starkes (1993): Expert Performance is only achieved after 10 years of Deliberate Practice. One hour per day min.
BC Ringette CSI Skill Analysis