Chapter 5 Creating a Better You!
Values What are Values? What do you value? Values - relative worth, merit, or importance Values
Three Ways our Values are Shown The way we spend our time The way we spend our moneymoney The way we treat others
The Difference Is…… What we Say we ValueSay What we Do What does this mean?
Standards What are standards? Standards - a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment Give an exampleexample
Principles There is a difference between a “Principle” and a “Principal.” What is it?Principle Principle – A fundamental truth or motivating force. A rule of conduct that we live by. What is your principle?principle
A Principle I want to Live my Life By and Why. or My Mission Statement and What it Means to Me.
My Principle I. A Principle that I live my life by is to live every day to the fullest. II. A Principle that I live my life by is to live every day to the fullest. A. I have had many dear friends pass away as well as family. B. It is a tragedy to look back on life with regret. C. There is nothing in a daily routine that should tear us down! III. I have chosen to live by the principle that I will live every day to the fullest. There are too many beautiful things in this world to let pass by!