Comenius 2014 Italy
Waddon leisure centre Waddon Leisure Centre opened it's doors on January 29th 2013 – after 6 years in planning and development and a £15 million investment from Croydon Council the long awaited facility has become a fantastic community hub. the centre offers a 25m pool, learner pool, 2 Fitness Studios, Sports Hall, Community Room, Creche and Café, as well as being an opportunity to get the whole community active. As well as offering all sorts of activities for all genders and ages; Dance classes Free swimming for 16 and under Free swimming for 60 and over Personal training Pool based activities Swim school Swimming Zumba Yoga Trampolining Martial arts Badminton Gym Gymnastics Sports for children like rugby tots, little kickers(football),junior gym and soft play. Walking football for over 6o’s
Price list An actual copy of the prices of activities listed in the page before.
My business idea The idea I'd like to put forward would be to build a new gym that is directed towards children and teenagers(3-18), and has more options than the example that was shown in the slide before. As well as being directed towards children it would be open in holiday time so that the children do stuff and they just don't stay at home and do nothing. As well as giving the parents some time off and it would be open from 9am till 10pm and have different activities occurring throughout the day. The gym would help create a healthy lifestyle and would give the kids an opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities. Activities like; Indoor rock climbing-play area- archery –dance- dodgeball-football-badminton-gymnastics- acrobatics-athletics-swimming-zorbing-zorbing football-volleyball-tennis-rugby-Mixed Martial arts-karate-rugby
The partners that might invest in the business would be the local council and local gyms and schools might donate,As it helps to get the children active, as well as the parents paying for the children attending. The company would be advertised by handing out leaflets towards local schools and it may have some advertisements in the local newspaper. The most important costs is the building and the activities, as the business grows the company will grow and start setting up more and more alternative sports for children. The company would be paid as they provide activities for the children and give them an opportunity to do something new in a place where they can choose from a lot of sports and would take place over weekends and holidays. They would make money by setting up their business and applying the proposition of setting up a gym for children and teenagers.
Sports/activities offered