MIDI design, performance, operations, and science Markus Schöller (INS)
Why do we use interferometers? Objects Single Telescope Interferometric Fringes Angular Resolution: ~ /D ~ /B Small star Big star
MIDI in the VLTI lab
The MIDI cold optics
Coaxial beam combination
MIDI lab fringes
The VLTI Telescopes
VLTI Optical Layout
The uv-plane Where do we sample the spatial frequencies?
If you have never tried to FFT -1 … Phase is essential for interferometric imaging
Coming next: MATISSE MATISSE will provide: Four telescope beam combination (six baselines, four closure phases) L/M/N band Roughly identical sensitivity R~ (L/M), R~ (N)
MIDI design, performance, operations, and science Christian Hummel (USD)
MIDI Publications Nature: –Jaffe et al The central dusty torus in the active nucleus of NGC 1068 –Van Boekel et al The building blocks of planets within the terrestrial region of proto-planetary disks A&A (72), MNRAS (2), ApJ (9), Icarus (2) Source: ESO Telescope Bibliography at
VLTI publications From: Basic ESO Publication Statistics, 2012, prep. by Grothkopf & Meakins OLBIN
Science with MIDI Jaffe et al. van Boekel et al. Zhao-Geisler
Science Operations VLTI UT scheduled in blocks Night astronomer selects telescopes from quadruplets OBs selected from MIDI and AMBER queues LST intervals allow user to achieve specific projected Science targets interleaved with interferometric calibrators
Operational efficiency MIDI XSHOOTER SQL/IDL code courtesy of Vincenzo Mainieri
Acquisition with Coudé guide stars
Instrument modes HIGH_SENS: no photometric channels, separate observation for photometry –GRISM: R=320 –PRISM: R=30 SCI_PHOT: simultaneous photometry, chopping –PRISM GRISM
Spectrum extraction and sky windows
Dispersed interference fringes λ OPD Courtesy: Th. Ratzka 0
Fringe scanning
SCI_PHOT mode (simultaneous chopping)
Visibility amplitude calibration Calibrator: HD D = 3.8 mas
Calibrator selection
Jean-Marie Mariotti Center (JMMC) tools
Visibility amplitudes of a binary source
Observing with MIDI OK with seeing up to 1.5” (limited by MACAO/STRAP) SCI-CAL or CAL-SCI-CAL sequences in concatenations (p2pp3) 25 minutes execution time per OB independent of target Simple model fitting only, spatial resolution 15 – 130 mas Resources – (MIDI page) – (data reduction) – (software) – (Long Baseline Interferometry)