Islam Click to start
Question 1 What does the word Islam mean? AllahMuslim PowerfulSubmission
Wrong Answer! Submission
Temple Question 2 Where do Muslims worship? MosqueChurch Synagogue
Wrong Answer! Mosque
Question 3 What is the Muslim holy book? VedasBible Qu’RanGuru Granth Sahib
Wrong Answer! Qu’Ran
Question 4 What type of ceremony is the Muslim marriage? RomanticCivil ChristianLegal
Wrong Answer! Legal
Question 5 What is the name of the Muslim god? AllahYahweh BrahmanGod
Wrong Answer! Allah
Question 6 What type of food is allowed in Islam? KosherHaram HalalAll food
Wrong Answer! Halal
Question 7 Who did Angel Jibril recite the Qu’Ran to? AbrahamMuhammad* JesusMoses
Wrong Answer! Muhammad*
Question 8 What does the star after Muhammad*’s name mean? You are a superstar You are the winner of the X Factor You are the holy one Peace be upon him
Wrong Answer! Peace be upon him
Question 9 Which one of these is a festival celebrated by Muslims? SukkotChristmas EidEaster
Wrong Answer! Eid
Question 10 When do Muslims fast? LentRamadan When they are running Never
Wrong Answer! Ramadan
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