WHAP Dec *Instructor reserves the right to amend these plans.
Monday, Dec. 8 Finish DBQ: due tonight at midnight. You can work in small groups, but you need to still do your own work. For the last week before exams, you will have several final exam review tasks to complete. Today you are working on a time-line review. All of these tasks will be due the day of your final. For the timeline: 1.You will need to do 3 separate time lines for Periods 1 &2, Period 3, and Period 4 per the directions on the handout 2.Complete a summary on the significance of each timeline entry (a few sentences is fine) Tuesday: Continue time-line task Wednesday: Computer lab 4135 all classes except 6 th (lab 3138): Six Degrees of Separation Thursday: Video (TBA) Friday: Open book/notes test Ch /Final exam study guides
Tuesday, Dec. 9 Timeline activity: Final exam review For the timeline: 1.You will need to do 3 separate time lines for Periods 1 &2, Period 3, and Period 4 per the directions on the handout 2.Complete a summary on the significance of each timeline entry (a few sentences is fine)
Wednesday, Dec. 10 Group Challenge Six Degrees of Separation assignment You will present your results next Monday Also…..Monday is the LAST day for expert witnesses. If you haven’t presented, it will be a zero. Test Ch Friday (open notes and/or book) I only have a few in here, so you might want to bring your own to be sure you have one!
Thursday, Dec. 11 Video: TBA Six Degrees of Separation assignment You will present your results next Monday Test Ch Friday
Friday, Dec. 12 Test Ch Questions 1-10 is Ch. 20 Questions is Ch. 21 Questions is Ch. 22 Questions is from both the Amistad & Revolt Aboard the Amistad Don‘t forget your group presentations (6 degrees of separation) are due Monday Your review timelines are due the day of your exam
Monday, Dec. 15 Last call for Expert Witnesses!!!! Final exam study guide 6 Degrees of Separation: Groups get ready to present! Your DBQ analysis is due back to me by Wednesday, Dec. 17 You MUST return them completed with your highlighted essay or your grade will be the peer grade divided by 2. (My math is getting better!) Last week’s theme: snowmen/women/children This week? Polar bears? P.S. Winter is coming….
Tuesday, Dec Degrees of Separation: Groups will come up one at a time to write their ideas on the board. Bring a #2 pencil on exam day!! Part 1 Ch. 1-22: 80 MC questions Part 2 MKD and maps: 80 questions Final exam QUIET study: you may spread out in the room with a buddy OR your headphones and study quietly. You may NOT sit on desks or the shelves, but you can sit on the floor. Homework: Timelines (use as review) ALSO: YOU NEED TO REVIEW YOUR GRADE NOW……DON’T WAIT UNTIL JANUARY TO TELL ME THERE IS A DISCREPANCY!!! I am ONLY available after-school today until 4:30 or Friday until 3:45.
Wednesday, Dec. 17 Bring a #2 pencil on exam day!! Part 1 Ch. 1-22: 80 MC questions Part 2 MKD and maps: 80 questions Final exam QUIET study: you may spread out in the room with a buddy OR your headphones and study quietly. You may NOT sit on desks or the shelves (you are not an elf), but you can sit on the floor. STUDENTS OFF TASK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR ANY CURVE ON THE FINAL!!! Homework: Timelines (use as review) ALSO: YOU NEED TO REVIEW YOUR GRADE NOW……DON’T WAIT UNTIL JANUARY TO TELL ME THERE IS A DISCREPANCY!!!
Over the break, you certainly may read ahead. However, make sure you get plenty of rest. The “gauntlet” starts in January!!!