. Great Readers are like ROCK STARS, they want their voices heard!
Write a letter to a student that you work with during your Academic Intervention Time Include: what you notice them doing well encouragement potential areas of growth
Our Summer Goal
Sight Words Most commonly used words Automaticity 100 words account for 50%, of those and 13 words account for about 25% of words in print Fry & Dolch
Sight Words 1. Get a sight word list (Frye or Dolch) 2. Mark missed words 3. Create a note card for each missed word 4. Kids keep & practice their note cards 5. Review games (Around the World) 6. Weekly Drill 7. 5 minutes (p. 543 or p.546)
Spelling test! Number your notecard from #1-5
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidis m immunohistochemist ry morphogenesi s anteroposterio r humuhumunukunukuap uaa
8 How are you using word parts to spell and comprehend words? pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism immunohistochemistry morphogenesis anteroposterior
9 What is Structural Analysis? Structural analysis is the examination of syllables and morphemes (meaningful units) in words instead of their individual graphemes (letters).
salinity salination desalinization salary comedian pedestrian historian Canadian Now practice helping your student decode these long words using structural analysis … DISCUSSION ATTENTIVE PERSISTENT REGULATE DISTURBANCE
Prosody: Students read with attention to punctuation, phrasing, natural pauses, and the tone of the reading. Automaticity: Students read quickly and accurately Reading that is automatic and prosodic. Fluency
(Great Poster for Your Classroom!) GOOD READERS read like they talk 1. Swiftly and smoothly 2. Pause (at punctuation) 3. Change the sound of their voice to show feelings and expression. 4. Make few errors.
“One must practice beyond perfection to achieve mastery” “It takes repeated perfect trials to sustain mastery”
A- ACCURACY Am I saying the words correctly? P- PACE Do I sound like I’m having a conversation? E- EXPRESSION Do I sound like a robot? Or like I’m on stage? (Great Poster for Your Classroom!)
Fluency Folders Leveled fluency passages (2) from Reading A- Z Sight word list (laminated or in sheet protector) Reader’s Theatre Script
Poetry Notebooks Poem a week Echo & Choral Read Kids record as morning work Use in a fluency center & for word study!
Ways to Increase Fluency PURPOSE * Designed to show students a fluent model - demonstrating the prosody part of fluency. * The teacher reads aloud and the students have a copy of the text to follow along. * Whole group, all grade levels PROS/CONS PROCEDURE READ-ALOUD
Fluency Jigsaw! Directions: 1.There are 6 stations 2.Read the facts at your station, become the expert 3.Plan how you will model to the rest of us the strategy at your station 4.You have five minutes
FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL!! 5:00 – 7:00 pm Communications Center or Resource Room
Think about the student that you wrote to at the beginning of the session, on your note card, write down 3 things you will do to help prove what’s possible…